Thomas Ice: Preterism cut off from its foundation

While I do not agree with Thomas Ice on MANY issues, I do believe his arguement here is a valid complaint against Preterism. Preterism see things ending and beginning in 70AD resulting in a "new kind of Christianity" from that of the first century generation. It is assumed by most Preterists that Christianity today is fundamentally DIFFERENT than that which was experienced in the first century. The assumptions based on a historical line of 70AD where things end and things begin, seems to confuse MANY on which things continue to apply and which things do not apply today (documented here). While most Preterist fail to see this issue, it is very common for this heresy to destroy both lives and churches just as Paul had warned. Many people faced with this doctrine find utter confusion and uncertainty left by the tornado of Preterism. They only see their "converts", but they have ignored its wreckage. I have no doubt, this is not what God wants. God is not the author of confusion. I have no doubt, that God has the slightest need to prove himself in this way as Preterists seem to want to do.

Thomas Ice "The overwhelming majority of the eschatological events prophesied in the Book of Revelation have already been fulfilled," declares preterist Dr. Gary North. Since subjects relating to prophecy dominate virtually every page of the New Testament (NT) this would logically mean, for the preterist, that most of the NT does not refer directly to the Church today. Since so much of the NT is written to tell believers how to live between the two comings of Christ, it makes a huge difference if one interprets Christ's coming as a past or future event. If Preterism is true, then the NT refers to believers who lived during the forty-year period between the death of Christ and the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Therefore, virtually no part of the NT applies to believers today according to preterist logic. There is no canon that applies directly to believers during the church age."