Refuting Full Preterism - Escaping ITS Bondage

"Full Preterists believe that all Scriptures were fulfilled in 70 AD. For many Christians throughout the world, this position is both heretical, and an insult to one's intelligence. It begs the question, "Is the universe turning on its end?"

Like any other cult such as the Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, Full Preterists feed on those who are unlearned and untaught. Indoctrination can be a terrible thing, and when one becomes indoctrinated into the precept of men, escaping its bondage can become unbearably difficult. That's why it's important for all of us to read our Bibles as much as we can, not only so we can know the truth, but so we can defend ourselves against the false teachers in today's world. We should all remember that part of proclaiming the truth is exposing the lie."