Theological Retards: Timing is the Most Important Thing, The Rest is just BS

It's so funny to watch a guy like Jerry Bowers, who shows all of the signs of being a addict of Preterism, send out complete trash like the quote below via SPAM emails. He has said "I personally believe the TIMING is the most important aspect. . We don't HAVE TO KNOW the details." In his narrow mind, this discussion of what, how, and why are unimportant questions as long as "TIME" is the true SUBSTANCE of the BIBLE. If Hyper-Preterism wants to allow people like this to RULE on their THROWN in their next wave of heretic teaching, or next generation of Heretics, they will be quickly shot down and destroyed. This only shows how incomplete their system truly is, since "timing is the most important aspect". If TIME is the only issue, and what, how, and why are details to be ignored, then how much more confusion will result from those seeking to understand those important questions. Maybe this is why, Hyper-Preterism has missed the mark. They have put so much emphasis on the WRONG THINGS, and it is manifested within their hearts.

Jerry Bowers "The Addict" : " Arguments are levied against Preterism & Preterists based on assumptions by some outside of Preterism and erroneous statements made by some within Preterism. The “What” took place or even the “How” are nothing more than Doctrinal and/or Dogma differences many use to separate and divide and this is by no means any more peculiar and/or specific to Eschatology than it is in Christology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Christianity, Muslim, Atheist, Catholic, Protestant, how to bake the best chocolate chip cookie or reconfigure a building plot to get the most commercial square footage out of it. People just have to be seen as different, special, set aside so labels are designed, then sub-sets follow. Preterism at one point in time was easily understood and explained but then human nature got in the way and man had to begin de-constructing or re-constructing it into sub-categories of which, many have numerous sub-sub-categories underlying them.

"Many within Futurism believe that the Great White Throne Judgment is meant to be understood as a singular judgment that will take place, which involves and is for all mankind: (A once and for all thing) Is it such a stretch of the imagination to believe there would be those within Preterism that believe this very same thing, only they believe it already happened? Many within Futurism see the Kingdom & Resurrection as Spiritual in understanding & Nature: Is it another stretch of the imagination that some within Preterism also see, believe & understand this but that they believe it already happened? There are those within Futurism that believe Christ will return literally, actually & visibly: Many Preterists believes this as well except they believe He already did return literally, actually & visibly, what is the difference? Timing!"

"Many Preterists want to discuss, debate or even argue over the differences in understanding behind the Nature of things such as the Resurrection. Some believe this happens if nothing else, in a type when we accept or ask Christ into our lives while others argue that this is all Resurrection was ever meant to be understood as. This is a Doctrine and/or Dogma difference and in no way defines Preterism, it’s an Eschatological difference. Specifics, details and individual steps or instructions on the exact nature of how these things progress is not timing and therefore, not Preterism."