Rod Edwards: Cultic Tactics of Preterists

It has been a tactic of cults to prey upon either weak or poorly equipped Christians. They seek out those who either have had bad experiences within some form of traditional Christianity or they seek out those who have little knowledge of the Bible. In this way they can convince the unsuspecting to join their cult or movement.

Another method of cultic movements is to appeal for "tolerance" & surely "loving" Christians would be "open-minded" & not "judgment" against fellow "seekers". This is the general sentiment expressed by cultic movements.

Theologian R.J. Rushdoony once pointed out:
"[T]here can be no tolerance in a law-system for another religion.
Tolerance is a device used to introduce a new law-system as a prelude to a new
In this case the cultic intend to call for "tolerance" so that they can introduce their new theological systems.

When it comes to Hyper-Preterism, C.J. Seraiah had this pointed & accurate comment:

[The Hyper-preterist] contention (whether expressed verbally or not) is that the Church has been wrong for two-thousand years about such a major doctrine as the Final Advent & only recently has anyone figured out what the Bible was really saying. The presumption about one's abilities that it takes to affirm something of this sort is incredibly high. They are essentially saying the Holy Spirit was unable to properly teach the Church what was really involved in the Second Coming (or was unwilling & for some bizarre reason decided to leave the Church in the dark & allow her to promote errant theology for two thousand years). -- (End of All Things, pg 17)
Every true heretic in history has used the mantra "No Creed but Christ" & then set about introducing a new creed to replace that which was the tradition of the Church. And here we see the liberals & especially the liberals within hyper-preterism using the same playbook & many are falling for it once again Think not to compare this to the Reformation as the Reformers only broke from a majority of what was being called Christianity...they did NOT break from THE majority of historic Christianity, but as you well know, they affirmed it.