Don Preston: The Universalism of 70AD

Don Preston "According to the Bible, the Book of Life was to be opened when the Messiah came in judgment against Israel. At that time, salvation for the remnant would be perfected, Israel's sin would be cleansed and the Gentiles WOULD ENTER FULLY INTO THE SALVATION that is "of the Jews" (the mystery of God would be complete, Rev. 10:7). The Messianic kingdom would stand perfected and ALL MEN COULD ENTER THE BLESSINGS OF THE KINGDOM AND PARTAKE OF THE LIFE THEREIN. Because of the unity of concepts and because of the time limitations in all these passages, we are forced to conclude that the Great throne judgment of Revelation 20, when the book of life would be opened, occurred at the coming of the Lord in judgment against Israel IN 70 AD."

Don Preston "I consider it A DANGEROUS ERROR to take the position that there is no such thing as sin today, and that ALL MEN, regardless of their faith in Christ or lack thereof, are destined to receive the blessings of his atonement." eschatology Don K Pretson