Rod Edwards: Heretical Logic

Rod Edwards "The thing about true heresies (& not everything is "heresy", we Christians tend to throw that word around too casually)...but the thing about true heresies is that they are typically always "friendly" first. Their objective is to disarm the perspective adherent..."kill them with kindness". As you study this & especially if/as you interact with hyperpreterists, be aware that of course they will come off as just "kind, sincere seekers of truth". They will use words & phrases like "tolerance" & "we have to be consistent", but in actuality they are simply trying to get their foot into the door of your heart & mind. Every smiling Mormon or JW that shows up on your doorstep operates in the exact same manner. And just as with the arguments of Mormons who for example appeal to "logic" when they say Jesus must have also came to the people in America back in the first-century (logically, why would God leave out a place that would obviously become so important???), so too do these hyperpreterists appeal to "logic". But the logic is flawed. It is the logic of Job's "friends". It is the logic of Jonah. It is the logic of Hymenaeus.

Just be careful when dealing with folks like this...they continue to lead people away like silly women may easily be led away with empty words disguised as "logic".