Hyper-preterism: No longer regeneration AFTER 70AD
After 70AD, Jesus is NO LONGER a Heavenly Comforter
HyperPreterism: 13 Things That Ended in 70AD
1. The Last Days Came to an End, not to be repeated.
2. Inspired Scripture Came to an End, not to be repeated.
3. The Mosaic Law & Sacrificial System Came to an End, not to be repeated.
4. Power to Heal the Sick Came to an End, not to be repeated.
5. Spiritual Gifts Came to an End, not to be repeated.
6. The Comforter Came to an End, not to be repeated.
7. Death Came to an End, not to be repeated.
8. The Hope of Israel Came to an End, not to be repeated.
9. The Ministry to the Jew First Came to an End, not to be repeated.
10. The Tribulation Came to an End, not to be repeated.
11. The New Covenant & Lord's Supper Came to an End, not to be repeated.
12. The Great Commission & Water Baptism Came to an End, not to be repeated.
13. The Seal of the Holy Spirit Came to an End, not to be repeated.

Preterists are really MEEK and HUMBLE BUNCH . . . ROFL
Abba Z Blog Comments: "The deal is that Preterists are a meek and humble bunch that avoid conflict and arguing over words."

Mike Sullivan: The Great Reward . . Pella
treeoflifeministries.info/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=50:house-divided- restoring-the-breach-within-reformed-eschatology&catid=35:house-divided-book-promos& Itemid=77
Sam Frost: The power of Satan was destroyed. IN 70AD
"But, if “end of the age” and “end of all things” means the end of a covenantal universe ruled by Satan, law, sin, and death, and is pictured in apocalyptic scenes of a universal conflagration, then it becomes evidently possible to construct the where and why the apostolic community in the late first and second centuries misapplied certain passages of Scripture, while on the whole maintaining the elements of biblical eschatology." Page 93
"Once the law was ended however, forever ended in the destruction of the city (the law commanded obedience in for its rites and ceremonies), the power of Satan was destroyed, and he himself, along with the beast and the false prophet were cast into the lake of fire forever. The fall of Jerusalem confirmed the hope that was in them: salvation was opened in Jesus Christ." Page 200-201
HyperPreterism- Hermeneutical Holes Leading to Universalistic Conclusions
Davo "WRONG Norm… your CC (Covenant Creation) hermeneutic WILL NOT ALLOW "all men" and "all sinned" to have ANY applicability or relevance BEYOND your "covenant world" –– this is the gaping hole in Tim's, Jeff's and yours CC model.
Norm, it is clear from Jeff's words: "How Adamic death compares to non-life outside the covenant, Scripture doesn't say" that Jeff, and undoubtedly Tim too, believes the Bible for all intents and purposes, speaks ONLY to *the sin of the covenantal people in Adam*. From WHERE then do you Jeff or Tim have ANY BIBLICALLY case for UNIVERSALLY applying *sin* beyond a covenant people –– thus your "DEATH CAME TO ALL MEN, BECAUSE ALL SINNED" does NOT apply to the bulk of humans of history. These are the CLEAR "implications" of your CC hermeneutic.
IF then *SIN* in effect is all and only restricted COVENANTALLY, as Tim, Jeff and Norm's CC contends, then OC Israel must needs be wholly and solely condemned in the FIRST Adam AND thus indeed wholly and solely redeemed in the LAST Adam –– and so Paul was 100% correct when he repeats: "For this is My covenant when I take away their sins" Rom 11:27 –– it can ONLY be OC Israel's *sin*, and so ALL OC Israel was duly and universally "saved" by Christ's new covenant."
So Tim Martin's view is actually SUPPORTING universalism.

Duncan McKenzie: Kingdom of God was Established on Earth at His Parousia in AD 70
Duncan McKenzie "The kingdom of God was fully established in heaven at Jesus’ ascension in AD 30. The kingdom of God was fully established on earth at His Parousia in AD 70. Jesus possessed the kingdom at AD 30. He fully shared the kingdom reign with His people at AD 70.
"This would not be forgiven even in the age to come (i.e. the post-AD 70 kingdom age). "
"The kingdom would be fully established on earth at AD 70 but because it is a spiritual kingdom its coming would not be a visible event."
"The kingdom of God had a two stage establishment. It was fully established in heaven at Jesus’ ascension in AD 30; it was fully established on earth at Jesus’ Parousia in AD 70."
"Since the AD 70 destruction of Jerusalem (the fall of harlot Babylon) those who are believers are rewarded for their works; while those who are non-believers are cast into the lake of fire. Notice, that for those who die after the AD 70 fall of Jerusalem, it is only the ones who die in the Lord that are blessed, not everyone who dies from that time on."
"The kingdom was fully established in heaven (with Satan being cast out) at Jesus' ascension (Rev. 12:1-12). It was fully established on earth at the AD 70 destruction of those who were destroying the Land (Rev. 11:15-18)."
John Hedges: Preterism is really NOT GOING ANYWHERE
John Hedges Answer “In my opinion, and I think right now, its just going around in circles. I think a lot of Preterists are still on the time statements, and there still discussing those things years later. It’s really NOT GOING ANYWHERE. And I think that is the MAJOR PROBLEM with Preterism at this moment, the concentration on the time texts, INSTEAD of Jesus himself and not really understanding what we have. . . I think they have forgotten that and are still stuck in the first century.

What is the Abomination of Desolation?
When you see these things . . . . flee.
Todd Dennis: Matthew 26:64 "But I'm telling you, player hater . . . you'll be seeing plenty of me and my posse getting the best of you!"

"So, as alluded to in an earlier post, Matthew 26:64 is not a Preterist time indicator in the slightest. The only way that this passage could be seen as pointing to AD70 is by assuming that by saying "the son of man coming" Jesus was referring to AD70. And, of course, this is assuming the very point in question."
Click here for article
Todd Dennis: Smear Campaigns, Integrity Slams, and IP Redirects. THANK YOU!
Click Here to View Article

Universalism is becoming more and more accepted in Preterist circles
Fred Robbins: Preterists are Short Sighted, Fractured, Divided, Backbiters, Arrogant, and Dogmatic
"Most of us know all of the different groups within “Preterism”. The fracture continues to grow monthly. The battles within the Preterist community are no longer with those that oppose it but among themselves. They bite and devour one another and eventually they will be consumed. There will be no agreement and unity among Preterists anymore than other groups. All of the different theological backgrounds can use a preterist hermeneutic but that does not make them united."
"Some have declared that Preterism will be the uniting factor to bring the body of believers together. This too is a mistake caused by not understanding Preterism. It is seen by many as another view of eschatology but upon close inspection, that too is suspect."
"If Preterism does not wake up it will only show the Christian community how cruel and mean dogmatism can be. This arrogance did not start with Preterism but has been fueled by the proponents over their long held theological positions." "This is what the so-called Preterists need to go back and learn."

Kurt Simmons "The Inherently Universalistic Preterism"
Max King – Presence Ministries – Planet Preterist
If the reader will take the time to read the quotes and notice the progression of thought, he will see that "Covenant Eschatology" and the "Corporate Body" view of the resurrection are inherently Universalistic. The idea of a "covenantal" eschaton must go the way of all flesh!
Individuals quoted are either Universalists or are advocating views derived in some form or manner from Max King
Jim Wade: Set Free By Preterism?
Jim Wade "Thousands of articles, debates, pages of dialogue, and one year later, it snapped. "oh, so that's what enlightenment feels like. It changed my outlook on life, the scriptures, and the study of philosophy and religion in general. It made me work for what I knew, made me think for myself for the first time. The night my friends first mentioned preterism, they began freeing me from a damned existance as an ignorant sheep at the will of sheep in shepards clothing. It isn't especially preterism that is to thank for the benefits I've reaped. But from the beginning to the point I accepted it, I learned to think rationally for myself. It is a gift for which I am eternally grateful.
forum.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=messageboard.viewThread&entryID=20211732 &categoryID=0&IsSticky=0&groupID=101709430&Mytoken=EC973D58-35F2-4AE9-B294 FA2C94BFEB3653095006
Jim Ware "You've taken the first step out of eschatological darkness and are moving toward the light of the Daystar of Zion" LOL Total Delusion.
The Former Full Preterist Blogosphere is Growing. Come Join Us!!!!
"The primary focus of this blog is opposing inferior doctrines of Hyper Preterism which focus on AD70. It is the working assumption that, and the purpose of this post to explain why, the most effective way to accomplish this task is by advocating superior doctrines which focus on Jesus Christ."
This blog's opposition to the historical focus of Futurism does not equal advocacy of the historical focus of Preterism. Conversely (listen up!), this blog's opposition to the historical focus of Preterism does not equal advocacy of the historical focus of Futurism !
"Building upon previous successful opposition to Hyper Preterism on the first part (though sometimes written by people with whom I do not doctrinally agree), this blog intends to offer...
A) Sound arguments opposing, in the first part, the chronological Hyper Preterist narrative which is focused on events long past
while providing
B) Sound arguments advocating, in the second part, an ultimately achronological Idealist narrative which is focused on the illimitable person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ
...thereby accomplishing the goal of presenting materials for effective refutation of "Total Fulfillment in AD70" doctrines (and a fair amount of "Partial Fulfillment in AD70" doctrines, too!)."
Hyper-Preterist Archive Announced
In short, a few hallmarks of Hyper Preterism are those systems which teach:
- A global, historical "Consummation of the Ages" in AD70.
- The global, historical eradication of sin/"the sin" in AD70.
- The global, historical destruction of "the Adversary" in AD70.
- The global, historical destruction of "the last enemy, which is death" in AD70.
There are many other points which will be addressed, but that list gives an idea of what will be this blog's focus. "

Tim King "The whole of creation in Adam found its release" FROM SIN
"The overarching focus of the teaching of Comprehensive Grace is to recover the setting of Paul's ministry and what he saw that caused him to become overjoyed at the understanding that God had indeed "imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may be merciful to all" (Romans 11:32, my emphasis). Correctly seen by Paul, this triumph of God was carried out and accomplished through Christ and his collective body"
"Our goal, formidable enough in itself, is to understand the first-century context of the reign and ministry of Christ and the saints in bringing about a new world of righteousness and life."
"The day Jerusalem and its law system fell was the day that the great accuser of the brethren fell."
"Unlike Eden, no longer could a tempter use the law as leverage against a stubborn, blinded and weak humanity. In the end, the original intent of God for his creation was restored. Through the inclusive mission of Christ and his firstfruits body (the church), the work of God was complete and the whole of creation in Adam (Romans 8) found its release in being revealed as the sons of God."
Richard McPherson: Satan NO LONGER EXISTS
"In 1 Cor. 15:24, it tells us that the end will come after everything has been destroyed and death was that last thing. The word “destroy” has the same meaning as in Hebrews 2:14 and Romans 16:20. When did this happen? 70 ad!! If this happen in 70 ad, then how can the Devil (Satan) be here today? How did he survive that destruction? Both in 1 Corinthians 15:26 and Hebrews 2:14, death, Satan or the Devil go hand in hand. I ask again. Did Jesus destroy death or not?"
"Did the Second Coming affect everyone, both the save and unsaved? Did the Kingdom only come for a certain group of people or everyone? Was the judgment for everyone? Did the passing of the law and the destruction of death affect everyone? If we are living in the results of promises made to the fist century Christians, then the law, sin, death, Satan (the devil) no longer exists."
Richard McPherson: Lord's Supper and Baptism IS NOT necessary today
Jack Scott: The Reluctance to Call Sin Sin
Jack Scott "The realization of all New Cov. redemptive hopes are when His enemies are defeated. The last enemy is death, therefore the New Cov. redemptive hopes will only be realized and empowered when death is overcome in life, i.e., RESURRECTION! This point cannot be missed, Paul's resurrection, whatever and whenever it is, is the overthrow of death - the last enemy, which is when the blessings of the New Cov. are realized."
If resurrection is something only realized at physical death or some other future time as advocated by many preterists, then that is "when" in their scheme "death" is finally overcome. The concomitant disastrous implication is that this is when, and only when, the New Cov. is realized (MEANING 70AD). Such has led some at least, like those mentioned earlier to suggest, consistently, that we do not yet have life only the hope of it.
Excuse me, but I can only reject such a view as strongly as I know how. I don't reject the men who mistakenly hold to it - I love them, but the implications of their doctrine are contradictory to every tenant of fulfilled redemption."
Jack misses the idea of the down payment of the inheritance until the redemption. Full Preterists are in trouble with this one. It locks them in only on a ad70 resurrection.
Comments from JohnM . . .
My cursory recovery of your comments is that you appear to be laboring extensively to avoid saying something like "Sin dwelleth in me" because, you think, it appears that this would somehow be an admission that Christ's victory is not yet complete. This springs of course from the principle that you do not want to ever deny the fullness of Christ's victory.
1) Should a covenantal Christian (while living in a body of flesh in the year 2007) be encouraged to overcome sin and temptation?
2) Is there indwelling sin in the flesh of a covenantal Christian? (If, perhaps, one says that sin still dwells in the flesh then how are we to understand the reach of Christ's fulfilled victory over sin and death? If, perhaps, one says that there is now no indwelling sin in the flesh, then are covenantal Christians supposed to view sin as a "mirage" empty of all reality?)
I say that sin does, yes, dwell in the flesh. Even after the Parousia. And I conclude that this sin does not spring from the "law of Moses". And I submit that all of this is not in the least bit inconsistent with Christ's victory over Sin and Death.
This is a huge point. How can you say that there is sin if the last enemy has been destroyed? In other words, Full Pret is not just universalistic through the removal of sin. Oh, but wait. . . it wasn't SIN that was destroyed . . it was "THE" sin!
Jack Scott's Response. . .
"Thanks for taking the time to enlarge you comments. I think my understanding of what you said will be prove to be a fast-track course on your covenant perspective. My cursory recovery of your comments is that you appear to be laboring extensively to avoid saying something like "Sin dwelleth in me" because, you think, it appears that this would somehow be an admission that Christ's victory. " I do not believe the idea of being freed from this biological body (physical death and entrance into "heaven") insures us of living a sinless existence. "
Jack "I believe that the Bible distinguishes between "sin" and "the sin". These human frailty issues, which the Bible assures us we will never fully overcome." "I am convinced that our translators did not serve us well here in removing Paul's intentional use of the definite article." "
" I do not believe that a "covenantal Christian in the year 2007" can live in a "body of flesh."
NONSENSE! This ties into how the Christianity of the New Testament ceased in AD70 because Paul asked to be delivered from it. . EVEN AFTER saying in Romans 7 that he had already been delivered from the law! This FP fantasy is based upon a complete misrepresentation of the appearance of the definite article in Greek. Just because in some places it says "Jesus" and in others it says "the Jesus" doesn't mean there are TWO of them.
There are many other places in the near vicinity of these verses where the definite article is used for more mundane things, and which is not included in English because it is clunky -- not because the translators were Futurists or wrong, or whatever other conspiratorial reason one can think of why the English doesn't say what they want it to say -- all to support a huge overthrow of accepted Christianity.
For some reason, people such as Jack or Sam just don't seem to get how big their changes to Christianity are! They don't hold back for a second.. but rush on, and change accepted and biblical Christianity with nary a thought Just dismissively waving their hands "oh, that was fulfilled in ad70" or saying "as Preterists we understand that.." (the Bible shouldn't be read as written, but must be filtered through the "AD70 lens").. focusing on "the sin" when they should be focusing on SIN. The fact is, if it is about TODAY they are uninterested. They LOVE yesterday.
This is sick sick stuff. I mean like satanic sick. Full Preterism is a host of the devil to fight Christianity and Christ. Hence all the evil that swirls around it. The rebellion, the bitterness, all the fruits of the flesh which we are shown by Paul in warning against this very thing. The people are innocent victims of it... but in reality
are to blame for not testing spirits better.
Brian Simmons: Hyper-Preterism is a Cessationist Theology
Such a view obviously fails to see the New Testament as a single revelation made to God's church for all ages. And naturally, special hermeneutics must be first devised before Preterists can succeed in "proving" that their views are valid. But because the majority of Christians do not accept their methods, they must go to war. They realize that in order to win they must destroy the methods of their adversaries. Thus they become predators and corsairs who sail upon the high seas of religion, shooting their cannons of doubt at any ship that looks like an easy target."
Click here to read the rest of this article.
As far as what happens after 70 AD, I really don't know.

"For all intents and purposes, I am a full preterist. Let me tell you what I, as a full preterist, believe -- all prophecy in the book of Revelation has been fulfilled. The New Jerusalem is available to us believers now. The results of the kingdom of God, here on earth, are still coming to fruition. In other words, the prophecies related to end times are finished, but the results of it are still unfolding.
As far as what happens after 70 AD, again, I really don't know. I don't believe the bible looks beyond 70 AD as far as prophecy goes, because it's all been fulfilled. What happens next is beyond me. My list of prophecies is in another thread. Feel free to call me full preterist."
Todd Dennis: Matthew 16:27-28 Preterist Time Text or NOT

At any rate, there is no question that we have vastly underestimated the significance of persecution and martyrdom in its coloration of New Testament eschatology.
If nothing else, the complete lack of AD70 reference might be enough to bring dogmatic Hyper Preterists to a bit of a pause.. because if it has been assumed that Matthew 16:27-28 is about AD70, then what else might have been assumed?
Fact is, the only reason we believe a lot of what we believe is that we haven't come up with anything better yet. Sadly, our prejudices really work against us getting the true picture of the Word if we are unwilling to allow the Holy Spirit to move us in particular directions."
Click Here for the full article.
Death, Satan, the Sin and the Law ENDED in 70AD
Hyper-Preterism: Comparing Two Views on Satan and the Lake of Fire

Ward Finley "You see, I believe that death being swallowed up, and Satan being thrown into the lake of fire was a promise for the believer. There is still sea for the one who doesn't believe in Jesus. There is still division between nationalities etc. But in Christ those things are done away. So I should qualify that "in Christ" those things are done away."
Don Preston
"Finally, Revelation posits the final downfall of Satan as "at hand." The entirety of the book, not just parts of it, were said to be "at hand" (1:1-3; 22:6f). In chapter 12, John saw Satan fall from heaven; he also noted that Satan had only "a short time" (12:12), in which to accomplish his devilish designs. His demise was at hand! In chapter 20, we see him finally defeated and cast into the fiery lake. (WARNING HYPER PRETERIST TRICKERY, AT HAND !!!!) The honest student simply must find some way to correlate these passages which predicted Satan's final defeat with the emphatic time parameters placed there by inspiration. To deny the CHRONOLOGY of the predictions is nothing less than a denial of the inspiration of the predictions."
Hyper-Preterism: No Sin, No Death, No Law AFTER 70AD
The covenant is written WITHIN the heart and not tied to a historical line

For the institutional church, it is as if the New Covenant does not exist, because essentially nothing has changed in mankind's spiritual status since Christ. If human knowledge and effort ultimately determines one's standing before God and if God still recognizes and exclusively blesses an arbitrarily chosen few, then the accomplishment of Christ is completely trivialized. The very institution which claims to promote and honor Christ is actually denying His transcendent message about God's marvelous Love and Mercy for all."
Hyper-Preterism: The Corporate and Universal New Covenant
Sjolander Road Fellowship "Finally all God's redemptive plan culminated in the New Covenant of Christ. For some reason, this covenant is taught as being individual and voluntary instead of corporate and involuntary as all the previous covenants had been. In no case prior to Christ had any covenant with God been inaugurated on a purely individual or voluntary basis. In particular Israelites were such by birth and not by conscious decision on their part. When God visited blessings or curses on the Israelites all rejoiced or suffered collectively. The people of Israel might fall away in sinfulness over and over again, but never did God forget His promises or divert from the purpose for which He had made the covenant promise. Every covenant of God was a step in the overall plan to redeem mankind, and no actions or shortcomings of mankind were allowed to circumvent God's purpose.
In light of the nature of all the preceding covenants, it seems particularly strange that the covenant in Christ would suddenly become individual and not corporate and universal. It also is not consistent that participation in the new covenant would require one's assent. All the examples of God's covenants prior to Christ would indicate that the traditional picture of how one gains the benefits of God's New Covenant is incorrect.
Recognizing the covenantal nature of God's redemptive process establishes the fact that Christ's completed work is truly universal in outreach. There is no room in this covenant relationship with God for any kind of haphazard, individualistic application. It is just not the way God operates, as demonstrated by all these previous examples."
Jerry Bowers: Delusions of Preterism . . . PERFECTION COMES by Understanding Timing
COME ON! Understanding "timing" aspects have nothing to do with making one more loving, more joyful, more peaceful, or more righteous. Nor does it bring the kingdom or the holy spirit any more closer to individuals. If anything has not been demonstrated throughout preterism, it would be opposite from the picture Bower paints. His ministry surely sums up preterism. "GAP" Evangelizing!!! A gap from what Christianty really is!
Jerry Bowers "Our Ministry does not focus on the differences within the Preterist View of Eschatology but instead focuses on the Time Statements & Audience Relevance to show when the Kingdom was to come and How.
We believe acceptance of the timing aspects of the “Time of the End” statements is where the truest understanding lies and it is within this acceptance that the Love, Joy, Peace & Righteousness in the Holy Spirit is released into our lives and will simply allow us to see the future, clearer. "
Hyper-Preterism: What "ALL THINGS HAVE BECOME NEW" Really Means
The redeeming work of Christ was INCOMPLETE prior to 70AD
Even while the Spirit was active, the redeeming work of Christ WAS INCOMPLETE (PARTIAL). The inheritance was sealed, but not yet attained.
John McPherson: The Cross and his Resurrection ARE NOT Personally and Directly Applicable to us TODAY
Brian Simmons- Hyper Preterism Denies the Holy Spirit
"Behold, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the age" (Matt. 28: 20).
"Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of His glory" (Ephesians 1: 14).
"And I will pray the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you for the age" (John 14: 16).
"I am the Living Bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for the age" (John 6: 51).
"This is the bread which came down from heaven: not as your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of this bread shall live for the age" (John 6: 58).
It is interesting to note that the manna was only given to the Israelites during their forty years' wandering in the wilderness. It ceased once they entered Canaan. Those who make "this age" signify the "Mosaic Age" force the antitype to conform within the bounds of A.D. 30-70. This makes the ministry of the Spirit end in A.D. 70. Remember, timing is everything!
What a base and groveling system this is! It all but blasphemes the ministry and power of the Holy Ghost.
Moreover, it makes spiritual worship cease in A.D. 70. St. Basil of Caesarea writes: "Such an one hath neither part nor lot in the true worship; for it is impossible to worship the Son, save by the Holy Ghost; impossible to call upon the Father, save by the Spirit of adoption." (De Spiritu Sancto, xxvii).
The fact is, Preterism is a Satanic delusion which leads logically to denial of the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Don't believe me? Then go to the blogs and websites of the chief heresiarchs of Preterism, and begin checking their writings very closely. You will find that hardly anything at all is mentioned concerning the Holy Spirit's ministry.
It is blasphemous enough to think that God didn't have enough power to bring about His will in leading His church into the truth. It is even worse, however, when one denies the work of the Spirit within his own heart.
Wake up, Preterists!
The Hyper-Preterist Players

Max King, a “church of Christ” minister who is credited with founding the modern movement known by various names, “Covenant Eschatology”, “Fulfilled Eschatology”, “Consistent Preterism”, “Full Preterism” – or properly called “Hyper-preterism”. Max King wrote several books that are considered foundational to the preterism movement. Max King is now well into his grandfatherly seventies & rarely communicates with his ideological offspring.

Tim King, son of Max King appeared to be primed to take over the reigns of the movement but due to indiscretions & his extremely liberal theology, Tim King could not maintain the image & instead tried to reposition himself & the movement under a new banner called “Transmillennialism™” (which he had the nerve to trademark). This endeavor failed to have a huge following thus the “Transmillennialism™” faction of hyper-preterism mainly acts as a liberal philanthropic organization & an outlet for selling Tim King’s liberal, pop-psychology “teaching” materials.

Don Preston, also a “church of Christ” minister travels around debating mainly other “church of Christ” ministers. Ironically enough it is easy pickings because the “futurist” church of Christ adherents’ “restorationist” views where they believe the true Church & Gospel was lost & thus had to be “restored” is the very thing that handicaps them to effectively refute the errors of hyper-preterism. Don Preston thus appears to pummel his futurist colleagues & the dispensationalists that he often engages in debates. In fact, it is no coincidence that as the readers can see, hyper-preterism is dominant within the “church of Christ” denomination – it’s anti-continuity concepts of historical Christianity lends itself for them to fall into these kinds of heresies.

Sam Frost, an admitted “ecumenicist” has for a long time been the presumed “scholar” of the hyper-preterists since he is one of the few, if not the only with any sort of theological degree. He also has been seen as the token “Calvinist” among the hyper-preterists. Although there are other Calvinistic hyper-preterists, they typically use the moniker of “sov grace” which is a vague version of the classic Reformed position. Sam Frost & the minority semi-conservatives are increasingly finding themselves pushed out of the wider hyper-preterist culture.

Virgil Vaduva, another “church of Christ” member has positioned himself as the prince of preterism – with the leading hyper-preterist website & the most active gathering points for hyper-preterism. Virgil Vaduva is the main promoter of hyper-preterist materials. At one point in time, he even attempted to trademark the term “preterist”. Virgil Vaduva is a Romanian immigrant that married the daughter of one of Max King’s close associates, Terry Hall. Although Virgil Vaduva is not always well known by new adherents of hyper-preterism, he is actually the man behind the curtain & the main pusher of the universalistic & postmodernisitic flavor of hyper-preterism. If it weren’t for Virgil Vaduva, much of the organization of the movement would collapse.

Ed Stevens, a former “church of Christ” member is known to some as the antagonist within hyper-preterism since it was Ed Stevens that was mainly responsible for driving Tim King into the background & blamed for derailing initial discussions of Max King with mainstream theologians. Ed Stevens early on saw himself as the protagonist of hyper-preterism but much of his support abandoned him when he began espousing a first-century rapture. Recently, it seems Ed Stevens is trying to work his way back into the center of the movement & he has even engendered kind words from his long time rival, Virgil Vaduva.
Wannabe Hyper-Preterist Players
Of course, no movement is complete without a whole host of supporting players of which hyper-preterism has many. The Soap-Opraesque environment of the Hyper-preterist movement alone makes it an almost addicting thing to observe even if you never buy any of their novel & anti-historical, anti-Christian wild speculations.
Kurt Simmons: The Universalism of the Covenantal Heavens and Earth
Tim King - “Simply stated, man is changed because his world changed. Man is reconciled to God because he no longer lives under the rule of sin and death as determined by the Mosaic world. Through the gift of Christ he dwells in a world of righteousness and life. The issue is cosmic and corporate, not individual and limited.” Tim King, Comprehensive Grace, 2005
Kevin Beck - “There’s no sin and no sin-related death in a world that has the New Jerusalem in it’s midst.” Kevin Beck, The Creation of Jerusalem, Feb, 08
David Timm - The second Adam (Christ) reversed all the spiritual separation brought by the first Adam, not just part of it…in the new world people are reconciled to God without any say in the matter. God loves all those that He has made in His image equally. David Timm, Grace Upon All, Oct. 2006
David Embury- "A man was who he was according to his 'world', and for the Jews their world centred around Yahweh - they were His people and He their God, and so by covenant. Who were the first-fruit believers in Paul's eyes? None other than the 'Body of Christ'. Having been crucified, buried and raised in Christ they were thus delivered out of the body of sin and death i.e., the Old Covenant world, or what we might call the 'Body of Moses' – Paul having spoken of "the fathers" being "baptized into Moses" etc. [can you see the train of thought?] The designation "the flesh" is not one facet of man as opposed to another part of man i.e., "the spirit", but rather "the flesh" speaks of man as a whole in a given mode or realm of existence, as does likewise the spirit. So Paul's spirit/flesh language was indicative of life under covenant, either of the "flesh" as in OC or of the "spirit" as in NC – reading Gal 3 and Phil 3 bears this out." David Embury, Plantet Preterist post, Friday, December 05 @ 20:23:16 PST
Ed Burely – “In spite of the fact that I do not believe that the first chapters of Genesis have anything to do with the physical creation (but instead with a covenant creation), I still will not buy an argument that says "young earth" but not with biblical evidence. A covenantal view of the bible's beginning, along with scientific data, speaks to me that this earth, and this universe is old." Ed Burely, Planet Preterist, Tuesday, November 13 @ 10:56:06 PST
Tim Martin - "Just as the formation of Israel and giving of the Law was the metaphorical creation of “heaven and earth,” so the destruction of the Judaic society, the Law, the priesthood, and temple would be the passing away of Israel’s “heaven and earth.” Tim Martin, Beyond Creation Science (unpublished manuscript version)
“Do you believe that there were any people outside of the garden at creation? If all were in the garden in God's first (what you take to be physical) creation, wouldn't that have implications for God's redemption?...As you can see, it could be that it's never been about us doing anything (right or wrong); it's always been about God redeeming his creation; not just small parts of it.” Tim Martin, Planet Preterist Post, Thursday, February 21 @ 09:48, 52:05 PST
“Redeeming all of his creation” means all in the “covenant creation” (“covenantal heavens and earth”). Thus, to avoid the Universalism inherent in placing all men in Revelation’s new heavens and earth (where these are interpreted as the New Testament), Martin is forced to place other men outside of his “covenantal garden of Eden.” Tim King and Kevin Beck, on the other hand, make no qualms that all mankind is redeemed in the new heavens and earth. Such is the mischief the covenantal heavens and earth model has wrought.
Established usage shows that “heavens and earth” were metaphors for thrones and dominions, peoples and nations. They have never had any covenantal signification in scripture. Preterists need to disabuse themselves of this erroneous idea.
The Sword & The Plow Vol. X, No. 3 – April 2008
Newsletter of the Bimillennial Preterist Association
Major Concessions by Kurt Simmons: No Rapture/Resurrection in 70AD
Kurt Simmons "It also occurs in other eschatological passages to describe the harvest of the saints into the kingdom of God (Matt. 3:12; 13:30). These passages teach that the gathering or harvest was not by rapture, but by martyrdom under Nero and the beast. As each saint died, Christ was there to meet him in the air. If this was true of the martyrs, may it not also be true of every believer? In II Cor. 5:10, Paul said to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Read together with I Thess. 4:17, the result is clear: as we die we are each caught up to meet the Lord in the air “and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”
The Sword & The Plow Vol. X, No. 3 – April 2008
Newsletter of the Bimillennial Preterist Association
Full/Hyper Preterism is in Shambles

Mike Sullivan "This is fascinating. Before Dallas you clearly told us that you and Mr. Birks were in the process of seeking to prove our view leads to Universalism and that your current questions were along those lines but now you are just asking questions because you are "curious." You are either "curious" and don't know what you are talking about, or you and Mr. Birks want to claim that you do know what you are talking about and can put together a clear proposition. If not please turn from your previously stated and slanderous comments that our position somehow leads to Universalism. "
"If Dallas will not admit that he simply does not know what in the world he is talking about (let alone can formulate an intelligible question) and that he has slandered our position claiming it leads to Universalism while at the same time clearly stating he doesn't know what we believe - would you please consider moderating him?"
"I think because the hate and lack of knowledge on that issue was not addressed previously, it has escaladed into more slander and ignorant foaming at the mouth by Mr. Dallas."
Dallas to Mike Sullivan : Over the years, as I have paid close attention to you, you really do have a problem in your communication to other people. Those with whom you agree, and agree with you, you are pleasant, almost to the point of being cheesy. With those that disagree with you, you assume too much and your mouth speaks your heart.
Mike Sullivan "As for me - I will not be reading (deleting) anything he posts from here on out (unless there is an apology) so as to not get sucked back into responding to his purely slanderous comments. I have answered the fool according to his folly and its time to get down to more meaningful correspondence and study. "
J. Stuart Russell and Universal Reconciliation
Here is a recent article that I found from a unknown source that seems to indicate Russell was a Universalist of sorts. And since Russell is the "Holy Grail" of Preterism, it seems interesting to me that he ends his seemly Full Preterist work with universalistic conclusions. It would seem to me that this FACT speaks volumes to what Preterists seem to deny they believe today and yet THIS WAS the conclusion drawn by Russell's version of Preterism. Though it is not the same, the line in 70AD IS THE SAME and is shown in his writing to be a clear marker where by things ended and began which resulted in his Universalistic comments.
It is always interesting to read the comments of theologians on passages which make clear that all will eventually be reconciled to God. I Corinthians 15:22 is one such passage which reads: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.” When J. Stuart Russell comments on I Corinthians in relation to the coming or ‘parousia’ of Christ in his book The Parousia, he seems to indicate that verse 22 along with the rest of the chapter was fulfilled somehow in the 1st century around 70 A.D. However, in his Summary and Conclusion he references John 12:32 “I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me,” as well as Romans 5:19. Both of these passages strongly support universal reconciliation. Because the theme of Russell’s book is that the ‘parousia’ has already occurred, he indicates that the scriptures don’t give us much in the way of prophecy but do however give us some promises such as the above listed scriptures. He continues with a discussion on Romans 5:19-21 stating:
“He does not hesitate to affirm that the restorative work of Christ will ultimately more than repair the ruin wrought by sin. ‘As by one man’s disobedience the many were made sinners, so by the obedience of One shall the many be made righteous.’ There would be no point in this comparison if ‘the many’ on the one side of the equation bore no proportion to ‘the many’ on the other side. But this is not all: the redemptive work of Christ does more than redress the balance: it outweighs, and that immeasurably, the counterpoise of evil.”He concludes by saying:
“This world belongs no more to the devil, but to God. Christ has redeemed it, and will recover it, and draw ALL MEN unto Him. Otherwise it is inconceivable that God would have taught His people in all ages to utter in faith and hope that sublime prophetic prayer:–” (Psalm 67)According to his own words, J. Stuart Russell can be chalked up most assuredly as a believer in the eventual Salvation of all men - Universal Reconciliation.
The parousia returned HUMANITY to God's garden. Through the work of Jesus, all humanity now shares the blessings of God, naked and unashamed. While it may be argued that, in your opinion, I am saying that "all inherit eternal life" I would argue that I am not since eternal life was specific to the Law, which has been done away with.
Kurt Simmons Conceeds "Heavens and Earth" is NOT Mosaical Law
What Now Confusion. What Happens After "THE END"
Stephen Jackson "I wonder about the Gospel. If all of the "end-times" events culminated in 70 AD, and the Great Tribulation was confined to Israel, then what of salvation? How do we know that the gift of salvation did not end with the Parousia? It could be that all born after that event are irrevocably lost. What evidence from Scripture assures us that we can be saved today?"
Michael Sullivan: "the death" that came through Adam STILL remains

And the dire situation that full preterist armchair theologians find themselves in is acknowledged by Mike
"I suspect Dallas (and Kelley Birks?) are asking these questions on justification so as to try and push me, Dave, and Ed H. into promoting universalism because of our corporate body position"
So here we have yet another attempt at an inconsistent preterism, for the primary purpose of avoiding the plain connection between consistent preterism and universalism.
However, all of the work and effort to save full/hyper preterism is in vain.
"A clever man solves a problem. A wise man avoids it." - Albert Einstein
Michael Sullivan: The effects of "the death" that came through Adam still remain post AD 70, but are no longer magnified by the old-covenant "the law," but from what I see, through the gospel which produces the awareness of the effects of Adam's death and now the Second Death - a denial of Christ as the Tree of Life. So the moment one believes on Christ post AD 70, they are completely justified- made righteous and set free from death and thus "never die" as they enter the gates of the City of the Living God or "world of righteousness."
We don't need an old-covenant Jerusalem or Satan to be "vindicated" from. To be "enslaved" or "persecuted" from an enemy (Jn. 8) has always been typological of ones enslavement to sin in ones heart. Therefore, one is not just made righteous when He walks through the Gates of the City, He has truly been "vindicated" and "set free" as well.
David Chilton: Preterism and the "Eventual Gospel Universalism"
David Chilton (On "Eventual Gospel Universalism")
(Writing as a Modern Preterist) "It is certainly true that righteousness does not dwell in the earth in an absolute sense; nor will this world ever be absolutely righteous, until the final enemy is defeated at the Second Coming of Christ.. according to God's promise, the saving knowledge of Him will yet fill the earth, as the waters cover the sea.
(Days of Vengeance, 544)
(Writing as a Hyper-Preterist) "Once the Lord came to destroy the scaffolding of the Old Covenant structure, the New Covenant Temple would be left in its place, and the victorious march of the Church would be unstoppable. According to God's predestined design, the world will be converted; the earth's treasures will be brought into the City of God, as the Paradise Mandate (Gen. 1:27-28; Matt. 28: 28:18-20) is consummated (Rev. 21:1-27)." (from "New Heavens and Earth")
A New Drug for Hyper-Preterists NOW Available