Sjolander Road Fellowship "Ironically, many Jews are still waiting for their Messiah to come and establish His kingdom. In the meantime they continue to practice certain religious requirements in order to maintain their identity as God's chosen people. In like manner, many Christians are waiting for their Messiah/Savior to come again to establish His kingdom. While waiting, these believers rely on right doctrine, rituals, and message to maintain their identity as God's new chosen people. Both groups are alike in their waiting, their hoping, and the incompleteness of their Messiah's work. So what's really new?

For the institutional church, it is as if the New Covenant does not exist, because essentially nothing has changed in mankind's spiritual status since Christ. If human knowledge and effort ultimately determines one's standing before God and if God still recognizes and exclusively blesses an arbitrarily chosen few, then the accomplishment of Christ is completely trivialized. The very institution which claims to promote and honor Christ is actually denying His transcendent message about God's marvelous Love and Mercy for all."