John McPherson: The Cross and his Resurrection ARE NOT Personally and Directly Applicable to us TODAY

John McPherson "The death of Christ on the cross and his resurrection ARE NOT NECESSARILY PERSONALLY AND DIRECTLY APPLICABLE TO US as post-70 AD saints - not in the way we have been led to believe. Rather, they form part of the foundation of our current spiritual economy and the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. The ministry accomplished by Christ in His earthly life, death and resurrection enabled the establishment of the Kingdom of which we may become citizens by faith in Him. Christ's accomplished work also brought about the final judgment - and eternal annihilation - of the Old Covenant "world" and the spiritual system forming its structure and foundation. Thus, while Christ's death and resurrection are not without tremendous significance to Kingdom citizenry, THEY DO NOT HAVE THE SAME APPLICATION TO US as they did to the First Century saints and the "world" of Spiritual Israel which He died to redeem from within Old Covenant physical Israel."