Full/Hyper Preterism is in Shambles

A Dr. in theology (Dr. Kelly Birks) is saying that the Corporate Body View of Resurrection lends itself to Universalism. This is yet ANOTHER major Full Preterist leader saying that there is a connection. YET these people STILL will not listen. The Corporate Body View of Resurrectrion is held by the overwhelming majority of Full Preterist leaders. It would seem like Birks isn't a Full Preterist anymore.

Mike Sullivan "This is fascinating. Before Dallas you clearly told us that you and Mr. Birks were in the process of seeking to prove our view leads to Universalism and that your current questions were along those lines but now you are just asking questions because you are "curious." You are either "curious" and don't know what you are talking about, or you and Mr. Birks want to claim that you do know what you are talking about and can put together a clear proposition. If not please turn from your previously stated and slanderous comments that our position somehow leads to Universalism. "

"If Dallas will not admit that he simply does not know what in the world he is talking about (let alone can formulate an intelligible question) and that he has slandered our position claiming it leads to Universalism while at the same time clearly stating he doesn't know what we believe - would you please consider moderating him?"

"I think because the hate and lack of knowledge on that issue was not addressed previously, it has escaladed into more slander and ignorant foaming at the mouth by Mr. Dallas."

Dallas to Mike Sullivan : Over the years, as I have paid close attention to you, you really do have a problem in your communication to other people. Those with whom you agree, and agree with you, you are pleasant, almost to the point of being cheesy. With those that disagree with you, you assume too much and your mouth speaks your heart.

Mike Sullivan "As for me - I will not be reading (deleting) anything he posts from here on out (unless there is an apology) so as to not get sucked back into responding to his purely slanderous comments. I have answered the fool according to his folly and its time to get down to more meaningful correspondence and study. "