Tim King "The whole of creation in Adam found its release" FROM SIN

Tim King "Our goal in putting forward a doctrine of Comprehensive Grace is neither to lend credence to the limited salvation of humanity as held by many fundamentalists, nor to open the door to the religious relativism held by those teaching universal salvation. Instead, we seek to re-frame the entire issue of salvation by placing it back into its first century, covenantal setting."

The overarching focus of the teaching of Comprehensive Grace is to recover the setting of Paul's ministry and what he saw that caused him to become overjoyed at the understanding that God had indeed "imprisoned all in disobedience so that he may be merciful to all" (Romans 11:32, my emphasis). Correctly seen by Paul, this triumph of God was carried out and accomplished through Christ and his collective body"

Our goal, formidable enough in itself, is to understand the first-century context of the reign and ministry of Christ and the saints in bringing about a new world of righteousness and life."

The day Jerusalem and its law system fell was the day that the great accuser of the brethren fell."

"Unlike Eden, no longer could a tempter use the law as leverage against a stubborn, blinded and weak humanity. In the end, the original intent of God for his creation was restored. Through the inclusive mission of Christ and his firstfruits body (the church), the work of God was complete and the whole of creation in Adam (Romans 8) found its release in being revealed as the sons of God."
