Ed Stevens: The sheep are not smart enough to protect themselves

Here is some more TRASH written by a beloved Preterist LEADER. ED STEVENS!!! H-u-r-r-a-y for ED! Today he is going to talk to you about why he is not a Universalist, (AS IF saying so was enough) and how BAD Universalism is. He is going to tell you how big of a problem Universalism is in Preterist circles (as if his own teaching proves it false.) He wants ALL Preterist everywhere to join forces, hold hands, while singing kum ba yah hoping and praying this will fight off the mighty Universalists who seem to be infecting "the movement". ED: "COME ON GUYS", WE can't continue looking like a bunch of heartless monkeys. We have to stand and fight off the wolves (Graciously omitting himself).

Ed, Preterism has already been written off because of people LIKE YOU. You don't get it yet but maybe some day you will. Full Preterism IS Universalism. AND YOUR HERMENEUTIC PROVES IT ALL DAY LONG. AND IT IS BECAUSE OF THE 70AD LINE WHERE THINGS END AND THINGS BEGIN, NOT BECAUSE OF YOU SAYING IT AIN'T SO.

Ed Stevens Post : What to do about wolves...
[FROM ED] This thing (Universalism) needs to be nipped in the bud before the whole Preterist movement is written off as a bunch of post-modern liberal wackos. HELLO ED :) If the leaders of a movement do not have the intestinal fortitude to "police themselves" as Paul charged the Ephesian elders to do, then those leaders (AGAIN TAKING TO HIMSELF) need to be dismissed and replaced with leaders who WILL take a stand for Truth against error. Universalism has made H-U-G-E in roads into the Preterist movement in the last three or four years, mostly as a result of Max and Tim King and Jay Gary's "leadership." Virgil Vaduva and his father-in-law Terry Hall, (AND ED STEVENS, NOT TO MENTION DON PRESTON) have done their share to help it spread as well --and have done nothing (as far as I can see) to slow its spread or stop it. Our futurist critics are howling in ridicule at the wimpy leadership (ED again) within the Preterist movement who can't muste the courage to stand against the BIG errors (like Universalism) which are clearly against the Gospel. (WHY PRETERISM IS HERESY!) If we can't unite against the BIG errors,then WE are definitely "LOSERS" (ED AGAIN) and the Preterist movement is a "lost cause." (CAN'T UNITE, THEREFORE ED'S A LOSER, AND PRETERISM IS A LOST CAUSE) And that would make all of our futurist critics deliriously ecstatic. Gentry has always been very quick to notice our inconsistencies on crucial issues like Unitarianism, Annihilationism, and Universalism. You can guarantee that Mathison, Gentry, DeMar, North, Sandlin, and all our Reformed critics (ALL OF WHICH DENY YOUR VIEW) are already aware of the huge infiltration of Universalism into the Preterist movement. They are watching to see what the leaders of the Preterist movement do about it. (UMMM NOTHING) You can bet they notice it when the supposedly "conservative" Reformed leaders speak at the Universalist conferences and have their books published by the Universalist publishers. Nor will they fail to mention that inconsistency and compromise in their next critique book against Preterism. I can just see it now, "You have to back away from Preterism when you see it leading you right into the Universalist camp!" (BINGO) It will be extremely easy for our critics to scare people away from Preterist, since all they have to do is point to the Universalist connection. (NOW HE'S GOT IT, WOW, ED YOU'RE REALLY SMART GUY!) Everyone sees it except some of the preterist leaders who have chosen to stick their heads in the sand and put earplugs in their ears. Some of the other issues we conservatives cry "wolf" over may not rise to the level of needing serious action from a united leadership, but this issue (Universalism) does rise to that level. To treat it as a non-issue is to invite disaster. It will end up discrediting the whole Preterist movement (LOL) in the eyes of the conservative evangelical community. We cannot let that happen. If there was ever a time when conservative evangelical Preterists needed to unite against a common threat, THIS IS IT! If we fail to stand united against the Universalists, then the integrity of the movement will collapse into disgrace. (This really means about all 500 of them.) All interest in looking at preterism will come to a screeching halt when it is discovered that the movement has caved in to the Universalists and let them have free unchallenged access to everyone in the movement. Shepherds build "sheepfolds" around their flocks, not to be mean to their flocks, but to protect them from the wolves. The sheep are not smart enough or fast enough to protect themselves. (BOY, THIS IS A LOW BLOW, EVEN FOR A SUPPOSED SHEPARD OVER SHEEP) That is why there are shepherds to protect them. (YEP, BECAUSE THEY ARE NOT SMART ENOUGH) When the ravenous wolves(Universalists (AKA STEVENS) come prowling, shepherds are NOT supposed to invite them in for a tea party and a "mutton meal deal." The shepherd's (AS IF HE IS A SHEPARD) job IS to pick up his club (BOY ED WITH A CLUB, WATCH OUT!) and stand with the other shepherds against the pack of wolves that are trying to scatter the sheep and carry off a bunch of them for supper. The shepherd that refuses to carry out that task (as unpleasant and risky as it surely is) should be cast out of his job as a"worthless hireling." He obviously only cares about his own safety and not the safety and well-being of the flock. We dare not wait until the wolves sink their teeth into any more of the sheep before we take action against them. When we see them circling the flock looking for young and weak sheep (AGAIN TALKING ABOUT FULL PRETERISTS) to prey upon, we need to pick up our clubs and go after them. To hesitate is to invite disaster. It is way past time (DO YOU MEAN POST 70AD TIME) to take united action against the Universalists. (ED, ARE YOU TAKING TO YOURSELF?, HAVE YOU NOT READ YOUR OWN WRITINGS?) They were circling the flock years ago. They have already invaded and carried off hundreds (if not thousands) of preterists (RIGHT? YOU STATS ARE FROM RETURNING ADDICTS) into their wolf dens and devoured them -- right out in plain sight. And the shepherds just turned a deaf ear to their sheep crying for help and kept on snoozing while their sheep were being eaten alive. Some of the shepherds went further than just "sleeping on guard duty." They even went to the wolves' conferences and spoke and let the wolves publish their books -- all the while letting the wolves USE the shepherd's credibility to build their own credibility and gain access to the flock. And the shepherd even encouraged his flock to go to the wolves' conferences and read their books! The sheep think it is okay therefore to follow all the teachings of the wolves, since their shepherd tells them it is safe. The wolves are laughing hysterically at the stupidity of the foolish shepherd who doesn't realize he has been "had." (LOL) The bottom line is, "Yes, let's have a conference on Universalism and stand united against it, and drive Universalism back into the closet where it belongs." (AS IF THAT WILL WORK USING YOUR HERMENEUTIC) Don't condone it, compromise with it, or snuggle up to it and snooze while it lays waste the Preterist movement.

This has been another trashy post brought to you by Preterist Heresy. Please stay tuned for more Trash from your beloved leaders.
