Don Preston

Preston is sure that the OLD COVENANT, and OLD HEAVENS AND EARTH passed in 70ad. Meaning ALL including the ungodly are in the NEW COVENANT, or NEW HEAVENS AND EARTH. This is the only conclusion one can make if the old things pass in history. Preston also lies when he says that Covenant Eschatology is not about Historical eschatology. But if you evaluate his writings, making 70ad the focal point which seperates the old things from the new things is ONLY about history. The Age to Come, The New Heavens and Earth, are all a state of time. It is NOT a state of Nature or your relationship with Christ.

Don Preston Elements will Melt
Rather, Peter was predicting the end of the Old Covenant world of Israel, that came to an end with the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. I am more convinced than ever that this is the proper view of 2 Peter 3. Biblical eschatology is not about the end of history, i.e. Historical Eschatology, but the end of the Old Covenant that could never bring life and righteousness. Thus, Biblical eschatology is “Covenant Eschatology.”