Don Preston

Preston is another which believes spiritual things are really just temporal events. Just look at the quote below. The key to understanding the book of Revelation is placing them in the proper historical context. All allegorical symbols, and symbolic terms are really just about nations, and events that occurred so long ago. Mere PAST EVENTS. I love this particular quote, because it expresses Preston's letter based approach to focus on the temporal rather than the spiritual. While he tells us it is spiritual in 70ad, it is really just temporal events that occurred in 70ad. He is no different that any futurist who places the fulfillment at the end of time. Still it is focused on a external non spiritual event, tied to historic cataclysm. The failure of his system, is the direct result of his own dispensational line which he establishes in 70ad, where he places ALL including the ungodly in the New Covenant, or New Heavens and Earth, or in the Age to Come. I guess this is the only conclusion one draws from a system that removes the OLD things in history rather than Christ.

Don Preston Article: Why Debate the Dating of Revelation?
Most paradigms today, either totally ignore the temporal parameters, or deny them. They deny the historical context, the covenant source of the symbolism, and the covenant nature of the book, and extrapolate it into our future, resulting in one failed prediction of the end after another. This is a shameful situation that needs to be corrected. Setting Revelatin {sp} within its proper context of history can help us correct these hurtful situations.