AMEN! I COULD NOT HAVE STATED IT BETTER! Edwards is one that constantly flip flops. Today he is a Preterist, and tomorrow he advocates leaving. It is funny, becuase he remains a Preterist despite all he sees and witnesses. I love this warning becuase he knows that Preterism is lost, but remains entangled in their system. A warning that shows once you've been hooked, there is no letting go. He is another fish in their frying pan.
Beware of Preterism
Having been a full preterist for over 15 years I’ve seen many things within the “movement”. I was originally attracted to the perspective because it tries to consider & adhere to the original intent of Scripture in context
I would rather fellowship with the most unlearned futurist that actually has an “obsession for Jesus’ words” than with men & women calling themselves “preterists” that engage in & tolerate sin among them that is not even common among the heathens.
Preterist Theology is doomed to fail because the common bond holding it together is not Christ but rather the egos of men. If you don’t believe me, just question some of these men & women about their character & behavior & you will quickly see the reaction.
My warning to you my Christian friends, is to beware & avoid “preterism” at all cost – It has no redeeming value because its main adherents are most likely not redeemed themselves…at least they don’t show the fruits of redemption.