Joe Puckett

So Joe, What actually passes away in 70AD that does not pass in Christ? The Removal of Death, or the Removal of the Old Covenant has NOTHING to do with 70ad!!!!! It has to do with our submission to the Cross!!!

When Torpedoes Take A U-Turn
I view my salvation differently. Some Preterists have unfortunately concluded that since death has been defeated, everyone is unconditionally raised to Life with God. Universalism is the view that no one will be lost. But the truth of the matter is that the Bible says that only those "in Christ" will be saved. All "spiritual blessings in heavenly places" are found only "in Him", Eph. 1:3. There is no salvation outside the New Jerusalem, Rev. 21:8. Yes, death has been defeated, 1 Tim. 1:10. But it is only "in Christ" that this defeat is appropriated in the life of the individual. So we must be baptized "into Christ" to be raised to walk the New Life given to us, Romans 6:3-4, Gal. 3:26-27. While being the pinnacle of man’s separation from God (1 Cor. 15:56), the Law of Moses was not the only thing that caused death. Death reigned well before the Law was given, Romans 5:14. So mankind does not need the Law of Moses to be lost. Today, death still reigns over the one who does not have Christ. But "in Christ" death is fully and finally defeated.