Jim West: The new Hymenæn view parallels the Hymenænism of Paul's day

Jim West
The second attraction of Hymenænism is that it is ostensibly consistent (given the erroneous premise that the Second Coming of Christ has already occurred). Scripture does teach that the Second Coming and the resurrection of the body are simultaneous events ( 1 Cor. 15:23 ). In this passage Paul writes, "But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ's at his coming." If the only coming of Christ is His A.D. 70 spiritual coming, then the resurrection must have occurred then too. Hymenæns are therefore compelled to merge Christ's Second Coming at the end of human history with his A.D. 70 coming. Virtually all of the "comings" of Christ in the New Testament are seen through Hymenæn glasses.

The new Hymenæn view parallels the Hymenænism of Paul's day except that we know more about its details. The new Hymenaens do teach the Second Coming of Christ and the general Judgment during the last days. There is the "up-front" declaration that these doctrines are true--but again with the caveat that they are "already past." Some Hymenæns even assert that all the eschatology of the Bible is fulfilled and "all is perfect" in the New Testament era--a statement that exudes a tinge of Christian Science and naivete.


Also see http://preteristheresy.blogspot.com/search/label/Hymenaeus%20%2F%20Philetus