Larry Siegle: “Adam” and “Christ” as Representatives of Humanity

I would admit that Siegle maybe on to something by his comments below. Notice how he states "The difference between “Adam” and “Christ” as representatives of humanity." Now if he would consistently see "the present age" and "the age to come"; "present heavens and earth" and "new heavens and earth" and even to include "this unbelieving generation" verses "a faithful generation" in the same light "as representatives" of those “in Adam” or “in Christ”, we MAY BE on the same page on this issue. Paul seems to uses Jerusalem "as a representative" to compare those who are "in bondage" verses those who have been "freed" in Christ.

HERE IS THE PROBLEM. Siegle maintains that the "in Adam" "covenantal system" correctly could not bring deliverance from death. It was only by the "in Christ" "covenantal system" which could bring about life. Full Preterists maintain, that the transition from OLD to NEW really occurs in 70AD, thus removing the "in Adam" covenantal system" and making it END and PASS in 70AD. HERE THE DILEMMA. In essence by removing the "old covenantal" system in 70AD, what they are really doing is implying that the "in Adam" system also passes in 70AD. This means the covenant of flesh ends in 70AD, thus removing the need to be born again, or for the continuation of regeneration. This dilemma is the result of making 70AD the transition point. Either one removes 70AD from being the historical transition point, (which means they can no longer call themselves a Full Preterist) or they uphold that dispensational line, which is universalism.

Larry Siegle
"The difference between “Adam” and “Christ” as representatives of humanity (Jew and Gentile) pertains to consequence–good or bad. "


"The imprisonment of humanity (Jew and Gentile) ”in Adam” remained despite the existence of a covenantal system that could not bring about deliverance –it only promised future restoration for believers back into the presence of God (WHICH HE MAINTAINS OCCURRED IN 70AD). The animal sacrifices were insufficient in paying the price for sin and thus death reigned supreme both inside and outside the covenant.?