Church is HISTORICALLY mature in 70AD?

Preterists maintains that the Church is somehow "mature" in is service to God since the OLD things of fleshly ordinances somehow disappeared in 70 AD. Typical Full Preterism tries to maintain that the church was an infant at pentecost yet in 70ad was fully mature. And it is funny that maturity is NEVER a state of which historical period you live but is a reflection of growing into the image of Christ.

Its amazing how similar FP is with dispensationalism. The only difference really is that they've taken the dispensational line and forwarded it 2000 years or so. All told, thats probably the grossest error that Full Preterism has made which is the cause of all error. Declaring ad70 to be a dispensational line in history, which cuts off the historical church from its roots and its foundation. To where ad70 is not only the end of Old Testament Judaism, but it is also the end of New Testament Christianity.

David Green
"In stark contrast, the Church today is "mature" in regard to its service to God. Instead of being under the yoke of hundreds of fleshly ordinances that symbolize a future redeemer, the Body of Christ now worships the Father "in spirit and in truth" (Jn. 4:23). "

Don Preston
"A key point of controversy surrounding the Preterist view of eschatology is the contention that the church/kingdom was not fully established on Pentecost but was in a state of incompletion until the Old World was taken out of the way in A.D.70. "

David Curtis
"That which is perfect refers to the maturity of the body at the rapture of the church, which happened at the second coming of Christ, bringing in the New Heavens and New Earth which closed the cannon. This all took place in AD 70, when the Lord returned, bringing in the New Heaven and Earth where we see Him face to face. So the coming again of our Lord for his people brought them to full maturity. "

BUT YET CURTIS ALSO SAYS IN THIS SAME ARTICLE "Paul is contrasting what is temporal to what is eternal." BUT YET "This all took place in AD 70" LOL