LETTER OR LIAR! I really HATE these kinds of quotes that Preterists often use to prove they are right. It only shows their letter based appeal that is tied to forcing God's hand to to fulfill by the letter, or else he is not God. And the funny thing is . . . HE DIDN'T FULFILL BY THE LETTER.

So in reality what Preterist use as their argument for their system is either WE ARE RIGHT, OR GOD IS A LIAR. Could Preterists be any more arrogant??!! Could they be any more puffed up??!! Here is another link that has more of these absurdities. Kinda funny it is labeled REGRESSIVE PRETERISM.


Virgil Vaduva "Most Christians, generally speaking, profess the inerrancy of the Bible and the deity of Jesus. If certain passages of the Bible are wrong, or if Jesus was wrong in teaching a first-century Second Coming, the entire Christian faith would be undermined by erroneous claims, erroneous Scriptures and ultimately an erroneous God. "Jesse Mills "If these things were not fulfilled in the first century as Jesus promised. His integrity is under serious question."

Ed Stevens "Either we have to say it is all future (and make Jesus a liar for saying any of it would occur in that generation), or make it all fulfilled at AD 70 (and preserve Jesus' integrity)."
Ed Stevens "If Jesus and the apostles taught imminency (as in fact they did), then a non-fulfillment destroys the inspiration and integrity of Christ and the apostles."

Ed Stevens "If Jesus failed to fulfill them the first time, he could not be the Messiah."

Ed Stevens " If the imminency statements cannot be trusted, nothing else in the NT can be trusted. "

Ken Davies "If the second coming wasn't in AD70, then Jesus is a liar"

David Green "To say then that the universal Church has preached a false gospel throughout history is to refute God’s covenant, and the power of His Gospel, and the authority of His Church. It is, in essence, to call God a liar. "

Don Preston "Can God tell time?" "If "at hand" time statements mean nothing at all, then God cannot tell time."

Don Preston "I find it impossible to escape the conclusion that either the Great Trumpet of the Lord sounded in that first century generation or Jesus' promise failed and man still has no escape from sin, from separation from God."

Don Preston "What if God Did Not Keep His Promises?"

Don Preston "Only if God keeps His promises is He a God to be loved, believed, and obeyed. If the God of the Bible is no better at keeping His promises than the repeated failed prognostications of the men mentioned above, then He is not a God worth serving. And, if Christ's apostles, supposedly inspired by the Spirit of Christ, failed in their predictions, then they are false prophets as well."

Don Preston "When men say something will happen soon, do they mean it may not happen for centuries, even millenniums? When men DO say something is imminent and the event does not happen shortly we say the man who made the promise was mistaken, a liar, a failure or a charlatan!"

Don Preston "The preterist paradigm is the only view of eschatology that affirms that Jesus kept his word on time. "

Don Preston "If Jesus did not do what he said he was going to do, when he said he would do it, then we cannot believe him, he said not to believe him!"

Don Preston "Jesus said the Great Apostasy and his coming at the height of that apostasy, would happen in his generation — it either happened or Jesus lied."

Don Preston "At hand" means "at hand;" a "long time" means a "long time." This being true one must acknowledge 1.) Jesus lied, 2.) He failed, 3.) He was mistaken or 4.) He came! "

Don Preston "The issue involves the Deity of Jesus. If there was a long temporal gap in Daniel, and Jesus knew it, but presented a message that indicated that the terminus a quem, i.e. the end of the vision, was at hand, then he lied to his contemporaries, and violated the text of Daniel's prediction. This impugns his Deity. "

Don Preston "Larry believes that Paul’s prophecy failed– or AT THE VERY LEAST he did not truly promise relief to the Thessalonians. Larry says Jesus did not come. He did not give the Thessalonians relief from their present suffering "when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven."

Don Preston "So, if Christ did not, and has not come in fulfillment of Paul’s promise to the Thessalonians, Paul lied. In which case he is a false prophet. Jesus failed, in which case he is a failed Messiah. Or, if the promise REMAINS TO BE FULFILLED, THE THESSALONIANS ARE STILL ALIVE, BEING PERSECUTED, BY THE JEWS!"

Don Preston "If Jesus did not come in the lifetime of the Thessalonian Christians, while they were being persecuted, and give them relief from their persecution, then Paul lied to them, or his prophecy simply failed. He gave them a false hope of relief from their persecution. If Paul's prophecy failed, or if lied to them, then he stands guilty of false prophecy and his writings are to be rejected."

Don Preston "Which of course means that if physical death is the focus of 1 Corinthians 15, then Paul lied, for he said CHRIST WAS THE FIRST TO BE RAISED! In what way was Christ the first person to be raised from the dead?"

David Curtis "What is at stake here is the inspiration of Scripture. If Jesus was mistaken or if he lied to us then what good is the rest of the Bible?"

David Curtis "This seems like the simple and clear answer that holds to the inspiration of Scripture. Jesus did what he said he would do."

David Curtis "I submit to you that either Scripture is wrong about the TIME of the second coming and thus not inerrant or our paradigms are wrong about the NATURE of the second coming. Which one of those are you more comfortable with, an incorrect paradigm or an uninspired Scripture?"

Anthony Buzzard "It defies common sense to believe that Jesus did not do what He said He would do when He said He would do it. "

Harold Watkins "If He failed to do what He said He would do, as the argument goes, then His divinity is surely questionable."

Jerry Bowers "Is Christ a fully-risen King or is he a partially fulfilled prince, still waiting to be king? There are no partials; split, multiple or 2,000 year old postponed prophesies awaiting fulfillment by a (Perfect) Messiah who failed to complete the job within a 2,000 year period. "

Virgil Vaduva"No, there is no “niggling problem” that I am aware of. If there is a problem, it is in the hearts of those blinded by tradition, ignorance and arrogance. The same people who call themselves followers of Christ, waste no time in rejecting Christ’s words, making Him a liar. The same people reject the testimony of the disciples, and their inspired written accounts."

Virgil Vaduva "The decision about Jesus is the same, whether we are talking about His claims to deity, or His claims about the Second Coming. He was either a Liar, Lunatic, or Lord."

Ward Fenley "If Jesus did not return, Christianity is a hoax and every liberal anti-Christian professor whoever darkened the doors of a Cathedral is correct." "I would rather lack understanding of certain apocalyptic elements than have a supposed Savior who lied and generated the most heinous and deceptive of all religions. There are no two ways about it. Jesus Christ either returned or He is a monstrous liar and everything every liberal and skeptic has every said against Him is true."

Larry Seigle: "If you choose to live your life in HOPE of what lies in the great beyond, so be it--that is your unfortunate choice. I choose to live in the REALITY of all that was promised and to bask in the warm of God's love and forgiveness here and NOW. "

Jerry Bowers "There are no partials; split, multiple or 2,000 year old postponed prophesies awaiting fulfillment by a (Perfect) Messiah who failed to complete the job within a 2,000 year period. "

Jerry Bowers "Was Christ a liar? Was he a false prophet? Did he make predictions of things that didn’t come true? When he said they would? The way he said they would? Is Matthew 24’s “The Olivet Discourse” simply a bunch of metaphors that don’t really mean anything? Is our being here proof that Christ lied because he had predicted the end of the world would come before now? "

Jerry Bowers "If you believe the warnings of Christ & John the Baptist who both said “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” meant it was eventually coming or that it was about to but failed? "

Stephen Douglas "Not only does futurism needlessly make Christianity a laughingstock with its endless failed predictions, it’s based solely on a ludicrous hermeneutic for Scripture interpretation that undermines even our Lord’s own credibility. "

"If your theology says that God failed, you need to change your theology."

"Either they misunderstood Jesus and incorrectly expected the Parousia or they correctly understood Him and He didn't return, both making the bible an unreliable text. Or they did correctly understand Him and He returned when He said He would! Anything short of the latter view ends up with a non-reliable bible. "

Ron Osborne "With all of the so-called Christians in thisnation who abuse the name of God by denying His sovereignty over allthings (even their salvation - Free-Willy-ism is foolishness), as well as deny His return in A.D. 70 and the consummation of His Kingdom, as if to put all these events into the future, making God/Christ/Apostles a group of liars, aggravating wars in the name ofPre, Post or Mid-Trib Theologies and/or Dispensation-al-ism, Futurismor modern Crusades and Inquisitions (all supposedly in the name ofGod), who do you think God will give such a retched nation and peoplewho falsely misrepresent Him? "

Sam Frost "Since the Bible does not lie, nor can it contradict itself, if it says something is going to happen, then it is going to happen, and if it does not happen, then the Bible is false. "

Don Preston "Since he did not establish that kind of kingdom, they, just like the Jews of Jesus’ day, believe that something went wrong, something failed, so, the actual kingdom promise got postponed, delayed, and the church, as "Plan B" was established instead."

Ed Stevens "Was Jesus literally wrong? Did He make numerous time-restricted predictions that did not come true?"

Chuck Coty"If Jesus (the Groom) was unfaithful to those (the Bride of Christ) that received these many imminent promises, then what type of catastrophic effect would you have expected to see? Would the Gospel have proliferated so significantly into the 2nd century if the Christ-followers believed they had been duped?"

Ward Fenley "Were Jesus Christ and the apostles mistaken? If so, then Christianity must inevitably be a farce."