Kurt Simmons: Christ’s second coming were accomplished in AD70

Simmons shows his Preterism at even viewing the cross. He states, "The cross alone changes man’s standing before the throne and is complete in itself for man’s salvation." The cross is not complete in itself for man's salvation because the cross must be "personally applied" for one to have salvation. If the cross, or 70AD itself was sufficient, then universalism is true, because it is not the event itself that brings about salvation, redemption, or even the releasing from bondage to sin. It is in fact the new creation, of dying to the old man, which is the very image of the Cross that brings about the righteousness of God. The point IS, that the cross must be taken internally must be RECEIVED.

This is such a profound difference in how Preterist express themselves by idolizing the historical events... and minimizing the personal purpose to which all of history points. . . And because 70 AD is a historical focal point, and THAT is where the Universalism comes in.

Kurt Simmons
We believe in the substitutionary death and atoning blood of Jesus. Christ’s death triumphed over the law of sin and death, and relinquished the debt and bond of sin for all that believe and obey the gospel. Men must come to salvation one by one through the obedience of faith.

The cross alone changes man’s standing before the throne and is complete in itself for man’s salvation. The law of Moses was impressed with no especial power of sin and death not extant in the moral law binding upon all men today. Christ died to save man from the bondage of sin under the law of sin and death, not the Mosaic law; annulment of the ceremonial law was irrelevant in terms of accomplishing man’s salvation; removal of the Mosaic law was not necessary to defeat sin and death.

We believe the events normally associated with Christ’s second coming were accomplished in the events culminating in the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. The eschaton was a time of world-wide judgment for the disobedience of man in rejecting the gospel and persecuting Christ’s church.
