Donald Hochner: A Period of Transition OUTWARD IN 70AD, AND NOT INWARD IN CHRIST

Hochner, like many Preterist states that it was the Mosaic Age (OC) is done away in 70ad. This Mosaic Age was representative of the "present Jerusalem" which was in bondage and cast out in 70AD. Now, lets just forget about the cross and the resurrection which is symbolically representative of our being set free from bondage to sin (manifested within, by being born again), and let focus on the errors of placing this fulfillment in 70ad. Hochner like most Preterist say that the "new covenant" age came into being "since 70 AD". The fallacy of this argument is that ALL MEN are now free since the bondage to the LAW was removed in 70AD. IF bondage still remains after 70AD (and it does), I ask what passed away in 70AD to remove this bondage in 70AD??? If there is now no more bondage to sin and everyone is now in the New Covenant Age (a post 70ad historical period), then all men are now in new covenant. Let's forget that Paul taught that the present Jerusalem was representative or an allegory of those in bondage to sin, and lets make a huge assumption that that passes away in 70ad. See how the devil is using this to mislead the masses!!!

Again, how can the rubble from sticks and stones magically remove the bondage to the flesh and set men free? How did your bondage to sin pass away in 70ad for sins not yet committed? How are those who are outside of Christ, find themselves in the age to come whereby only those found worthy are allowed to enter in?

The historical line in 70ad is to blame for the erroneous theories that Preterists have made.

Donald Hochner
In these passages in the NT, we have two ages in contrast: "This age" and the "age to come." The expression "age to come" implies that "this age" must come to end. Will the "age to come" also have an end? If not, then the expression "last days" must apply to the closing period of "this age." So, in the end of "this age" (the Old Covenant) (WHERE IN THE BIBLE DOES IT SAY "THIS AGE" IS THE "OLD COVENANT"?) is when God's eschatological program will be completed or consummated. In other words, time was divided by the Jews into two great periods, the Mosaic Age and the Messianic Age. The Mosaic Age is done away and we have been in the age of the Messianic administration of the new covenant SINCE 70 AD. Hence, from 30-70 AD (40 years = a generation), the church was in the A PERIOD OF TRANSITION, changing from the Old Covenant to the New Covenant. It is the period of the bondwoman (Hagar is Mt. Sinai) and the free woman (Sarah is the Jerusalem above). Read Gal. 4:21-31. The bondwoman (Israel) was cast out (70 AD) and we are children of the free woman (Church).