Ron McRay

So close but yet so far away. . . . fulfilled in ad70 ... yet only "relevant" today. tisk, tisk

Ron McRay
As many people as have opened the door to Jesus, HE HAS COME! There have been thousands of individuals who have opened the door to show Jesus HAS COME into their lives. Now we can understand why the Bible neither speaks of the second coming of Jesus, nor of His final coming. As long as planet earth stands, and people continue to exist on it, will there not be additional comings of Jesus?

The second coming of Jesus occurred many centuries ago, but we cannot identify it from the scriptures. When man ceases to exist on this planet, at that time there will be a final coming of Jesus into the heart of that last human being who hears His voice and opens the door of his heart. But, it is not mentioned in the scriptures, and from them we cannot identify it.

Let us be joyful that when we open the door of our hearts, Jesus can and will still come. The passage, "Even so, come, Lord Jesus" [Rev. 22:20], even though fulfilled in AD 70, is still relevant to anyone today who is listening to the call of YHVH God.