William Bell: If Jesus did not come in AD 70, The Holy Spirit is a LIAR? And YET Bell says Christ's Coming is Personal

I would agree with the majority of the statement below by William Bell. I believe the kingdom is spiritual and is and only found within the heart. I believe the kingdom can not be observered as in a outward event. I believe the kingdom can not be a here it is . . . or there it is. . ., but does Bell really believe this? Bell contradicts himself throughout this book used 70ad as the point in time where Christ came in finality, yet says Christ's coming is personal "a coming in you". Although he says that it is spiritual, he is in effect saying "here it is. . . or there it is. . ." because he places the fulfillment it in the context of historical events in 70ad. Not only that, he maintains that this is the FINAL and ONLY Parousia. He then makes it sound like if you don't follow after his viewpoint that 70ad is really when the fulfillment occurred, that you make the Holy Spirit a liar. As if the kingdom and coming were without, rather than within. Now if Bell really maintains that the kingdom is within and spiritual, how was this so in 70ad? How is it he is not taking spiritual things and placing them in temporal boxes, and in effect making them non-spiritual? If the kingdom comes within, according to his view, how did it come within in 70ad?

Does Christ continue to come today? Bell says YES! Which completely contradicts "Christ's coming in finality in 70AD."

William Bell Book: The Re-Examination (A Review of William Jones "An Examination of the A.D. 70 teaching

Page 43-44 "The kingdom is spiritual. It cannot be observed by the physical eyes, so don't go looking for it in the clouds, said Jesus, because when the kingdom came, it would be "within you." Think about it for a moment. Christ comes in his kingdom. Christ comes in the clouds. If Christ comes in His kingdom and if he comes in the clouds, then Christ's kingdom comes in the clouds. But if the kingdom comes without observation to the physical eyes, and if Christ comes in His kingdom, how can Christ's coming be visible to the physical eye?

"That is why we don't say "See here" or "See there" because Christ's coming as the hope of glory was a coming in you. See John 14:22, 23, where Jesus explained to Judas how he would come to his disciples, but not to the world.

"If Jesus's coming is spiritual, then it can be seen anywhere in the world in an instant by those whose eyes of understanding are opened. Such was the case in AD 70. We can even "see" that coming today, anywhere in the world as many are doing. "

page 45 "And what about the words of the Holy Spirit? If Jesus did not come in AD 70, would not the Holy Spirit have lied? Could the words of the Spirit be trusted? God also confirmed the testimony of the Spirit by the destruction of Jerusalem.