Don Preston's article "How Is This Possible?"
"HONEST STUDENTS cannot IGNORE Biblical language. For too long we have ignored or rationalized the language of imminence and other problems in scriptures. We have simply ignored or failed to see problems such as those posed by the Thessalonican situation. This writer urges the reader of this tract to be OPEN MINDED enough to HONESTLY consider the issues and questions we have raised. That may be uncomfortable to be sure. But the pursuit of truth has its own distinctive rewards. If we are going to claim to be seekers of truth we are going to have to honestly confront these issues."
Don Preston's article: Can God Tell Time?
"Has God changed his vocabulary? Is it true that "at hand" once DID mean "at hand" but now it can mean "a long time?" If so, where is the evidence for the change? Surely, the HONEST STUDENT can clearly see there has been no such change in God's vocabulary. God can tell time; God can read a calendar. When God says something is at hand it is near. For man to argue otherwise is to reject the inspiration of the scriptures; it is to impugn the faithfulness of God; it is to impugn the ability of God to communicate; it is to do the very thing Israel of old did and for which they were condemned! This is a very serious matter indeed!"
What Don is really saying by these manipulative and dishonest comments is only those who subscribe to Don's own line of thinking can be considered honest or of the truth. Those who disagree with Don's views are dishonest, or mishandling the word of God, or simply closed minded.