The Spawn of Preterism (Seeds of Ignorance and Signs of Gangrene)

Like bacteria in a petri dish, Preterism is spawning into a smelly stinky fungus full of ignorance. This guy "Derrick" aka "DTG aka love me or hate me" or "Derrick the Gladiator" is a new convert to Preterism and his arrogance and pride shows the nature of the fruit he has taken and eaten from the Preterist "tree of death." This is just one more example of how Preterism leads people away from the truth by allowing them to believe a lie. So much so, Derrick self assurance that "I'm right" overflows out of his heart and pours out of his mouth like vomit. A smelling odor for sure!!!!

DTG aka love me or hate me March 18th, 2008 at 9:33 am
Much wind and much writing “but” no signs in sight and NO proof I’LL say it again NO proof people. PLEASE give one sign Saiko or Kirk please ONE sign HE’S coming. DON’T say no man knows, he gave them signs not just about some one time temple discussion this isn’t going to work. Please prove your “race” in Matthew 24:34 which makes me laugh!! Then to use the word blasphemous I will spear you to say the lest NOW! Because I know “your” tenets are at sake here, and you should fight for them as the Jews did but will they hold up. Talking about camps makes me laugh again in the “futurist” better know as the confused camps. Which one should I start with there is too many too name. Don’t forget to quote your “pastor” after the sermon “any day soon” what a joke statement! Saiko you know you can get Kirk number and do what we do best call ME! with Kirk TO-Nite if you please to much writing to solve this Mess!!

comment by DTG aka love me or hate me 2008-06-27 23:37:22
To I.C. what do I say to you man is get help and a lot of it. YOUR lies will only stand but so long. Maybe you should become a politician because they are famous for lying but smiling at the same time like you and deceiving people.

Comment by DTG aka love me or hate me 2008-06-27 23:27:59 s
Gary V would say whooooooooooooooooooo I’m shaking with the heresy word. I’m not going to call no names no need.

Comment by Derrick the Gladiator 2007-05-19 20:02:25
To IC, First of all, no, I don’t agree with marketing any minister period. Aren’t we all ministers of the gospel in these days? As far as I’m concerned, the gospel is completed and they all need to get a JOB! And don’t tell me their job is to feed me from the same Bible I’m holding in my hands right now. Unless I’m illiterate, I don’t need anyone to read to me, and I’m sure not supporting no self-called pastor or apostle. They need to be like Paul and continue to work so that they won’t be a burden to the people. Frankly, I’m tired of all this self promotion. Get my book, my tape, my cd, this anointed series etc.

Comment by DTG aka love me or hate me 2008-07-11 14:48:17
I believe what the bible says about relationships, the principles still apply for ages to come. The leadership concept in the church don’t because we each have our own bibles and don’t have to wait for a letter from the apostles to tell us what Jesus is saying. We all know for ourselves what Jesus says! I don’t need a pastor or deacon or denomination shoving their tenets down my throat. If you guys do that’s your choice. My tenets are the 66 books of COMPLETED scriptures and fulfilled prophecy. Is this “unity” we have now what Jesus is coming back too? With over 360 denominations claiming they have the “truth” which one is Jesus soon coming back for?

comment by DTG 2007-10-24 17:26:12
First of all, about your comment yesterday where you said you don’t know what I’m dealing with; please man, give me a break! Your psychological mind games don’t work on me. Your subtle spin tactics only work on your sheeple. Unfortunately for them, they’ve left the manipulation of the money pimps only to be sucked in to your manipulation. Like I’ve said before, I know this type of mindset. Take a good look at yourself MN. To me, you’ve become just like the pimps you despise. You now have your own internet pulpit where you get to have the final say and present the “facts” as you see them. This is ok with me because my former “pastor” prepared me mighty well for this kind of garbage. Been there done that! Your sheeple can’t even see when you’re being deceptive. By keeping the focus on the other kinds of pimps, you fly right under the radar. I can’t stand NO KIND of pimp mentality whether on a website or in a building that you love to call a church. Don’t think I didn’t notice when you put your spin on Seekerman’s post by trying to make it look like he was agreeing with your point of view, when he wasn’t. (MN: ? ) Where’s your integrity Spinny? I’m sure by now I’m boring you as you like to say. So what, the feeling is mutual! You want to make slick remarks about me and don’t expect me to say anything? By the way Spinny, a sure fire way for a boxer to lose a fight is by fighting the other man’s fight. Nah, baby, I’m not going to fight your fight. I know this is YOUR blog, and I’m on your turf with all your sheeple ready to defend you. I’m not a respecter of persons, Mel. You should know that about me by now. I’m not afraid of being banned or having you ridicule me. Do what you do best, no sweat off my brow. Maybe I’ll start my own blog and you will be my main feature along with The Professor, and HE knows who HE is. I know, I know, I’m using up your bandwidth, I’m a valuable object lesson for you to present to your sheeple, and your favorite one; I still didn’t address the issues. (MN: No. You didn’t. ) Yada, yada, yada. Whatever, Spinny, I’m only playing your game. Sincerely yours,
Derrick the Gladiator, aka the Hound, the Butcher, AND the PRETERIST!!!!!

Comment by DTG aka love me or hate me 2008-07-10 14:04:19
To Xerxes, ONCE again we’ve got someone standing on the shoulders of Men! First off, these are YOUR church fathers not mine. They had there time in history that’s it. I have heard this dead statements before so please don’t post something else form UNinspired men. Are you new to this site? Where have you been for a year! A partial so-called preterist like Dr. Sproul is aka futurist, please man!
By the way, as for your other comment to me, I made a mistake leaving out the ” ” on pastor because I don’t consider any of you guys pastors. Your non answer to my question was STILL NO ANSWER. So let’s try this again. What were the weak points? And as far as you talking to someone not illuminated by the Holy Ghost, I was thinking the same thing about you so I’m obviously waisting my time!