"How much" a person sins has nothing to do with Christ defeating "the sin" and "the death" of Adam

Preterism tries to make a dividing line between "the sin" and "sin" and "the death" and "death" and tries to make these two separate issues. If "the sin" was defeated in 70AD would not the effects of "the sin" be limited in such a way that it could not rule over our lives OR the lives of the world. What is the purpose of being called out of the world, if we desire to remain in it? Clearly a horizontal view for sure that leads to fleshly thinking. No historical moment in time can remove that which is not historical. Man has the choice to die to the world below or live in it. Christ's work IS WITHIN US NOT OUTSIDE OF US. His righteousness DOES NOT MAKE us righteous, but allows us to comprehend righteousness, thus by following him, we put on HIM and he clothes us. Christ's wholeness does not make us whole. One must WANT to become WHOLE, or one must WANT to bear his own Cross. When Christ becomes KING over our heart, those sins and the dominion that Satan has over the flesh are cast out. We must continue dying to ourself and make him Lord and King. Giving him part or half CONTINUES to separate us from God. Preterism cast aside "sin" and "death" by making the argument more about Adam rather than finding the courage to face our own sin through the power of God.

(Matthew 16:25) “
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.

(Matthew 19:17) And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who is good;
but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.

(Matthew 19:21) Jesus said to him, “
If you wish to be complete, go and sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me.”

(John 5:6) When Jesus saw him lying there, and knew that he had already been a long time in that condition, He said to him, “Do you wish to get well?”

Jesus never healed anyone who afterward remained sick. Nor did Christ forgive sins yet allow the sin to remain behind, as if he missed one. Likewise, this notion that "the sin" or "the death" was removed through any historical event but partially remained in tact is a bogus notion that must be rejected.

Big Bus ""how much" a person sins has nothing to do with Christ defeating "the sin" and "the death" of Adam...which is what redemption is about. We've replaced the work of Christ with our own works...instead of looking inward, we need to look to Christ. There's no difference between having a pinch of lust, and a teaspoon of anger, and committing adultery and murder. We're all still SINNERS..the EFFECTS of the fall are with us forever...but Christ DEFEATED THE DEATH, which was the separation wrought through Adam's transgression.

When the Scriptures state that we are "made perfect", that doesn't have anything to do with how we behave. It has to do with our standing before God, thanks to the perfect and cleansing work of Christ on the cross."
