After 70AD, Adam's sin no more

"Before Christ, all men were found in Adam. That’s why they were dead, and Israel was simply a divinely appointed, shining example of how messed up man is. Christ came to free us from that. Adam's sin abounded and reigned in death (Rom 5:20-21). By the way, I believe Satan is behind all this stuff of Adam's sin. Satan was in the garden too, and he rode Adam's sin all the way from the garden to 70 AD." (What about after 70AD?)

"Of course every person is raised individually, but only as a member of the corporate body. The focus is on the redemption of the NATION."

"THEY WERE ("THEY WERE" NOT "WE ARE") being transformed from the glory of the Old Covenant, to the glory of the New Covenant, from the image of Adam to the image of Christ"