Tony Denton: "AD 70 Coming of Christ brought to fruition THE REDEMPTION OF MANKIND IN ALL ITS TOTALITY"

Tony Denton " Jesus’ Day of Atonement work was completed within that generation of grace; it was completed at the time of the end of the old covenant and the bringing in of the new."

"When the work of High Priest Jesus was accomplished in the true holiest of all and God had accepted His sacrifice on behalf of mankind, Jesus re-turned to once and for all put an end to the OT and all of its remaining vestiges: Jerusalem, its temple, and its unacceptable sin-offerings which just spit in the face of Jesus; this AD 70 coming of Christ brought to fruition the redemption of mankind in all its totality. "

"Even Peter used this idea to encourage suffering brethren: in First Peter 1:5 he wrote to them about salvation ready to be revealed in the last time, or, as Paul put it here, at the consummation of the ages. The thing is, if Christ did not appear this second time (Heb. 9:28), then the logical conclusion is that there’s no redemption and no salvation for us yet! How sad indeed! "

"Since Paul associated the Old Covenant with Old Jerusalem and the New Covenant with New Jerusalem (Gal. 4:22-26), then we can conclude that in AD 70 (when Old Jerusalem was annihilated once and for all, taking all its leftovers with it) the coming of New Jerusalem arrived with the fullness of the New Covenant, bringing with it the restoration of God’s presence"

"Related phrases are the regeneration (Mat. 19:28) and the times of restoration (Acts 3:21), all three referring to the age-changing event in AD 70"

"This suggests that the old covenant (in the time of Paul) was (like an old man) losing its strength and wasting away, even to the point that it would soon vanish away. Since old things eventually disappear, the conclusion is that the OT would soon be gone—AD 70."

"Not only did this day alleviate Christian persecution, but it also completely removed any vestiges of the old covenant of sin and death so that the new covenant or the kingdom of righteousness and life could appear in all its fullness and glory."

Tony Denton is a "in the closet" hyper-preterist who is a church of Christ preacher in Lawrence, Kansas.