to 70 AD." (What about after 70AD?)
"Of course every person is raised individually, but only as a member of the corporate body. The focus is on the redemption of the NATION."
"THEY WERE ("THEY WERE" NOT "WE ARE") being transformed from the glory of the Old Covenant, to the glory of the New Covenant, from the image of Adam to the image of Christ"
"Before Christ, all men were found in Adam. That’s why they were dead, and Israel was simply a divinely appointed, shining example of how messed up man is. Christ came to free us from that. Adam's sin abounded and reigned in death (Rom 5:20-21). By the way, I believe Satan is behind all this stuff of Adam's sin. Satan was in the garden too, and he rode Adam's sin all the way from the garden Spiritual but Temporal Focus: Fully Established Kingdom in AD70
Duncan McKenzie " The kingdom of God was fully established at the AD 70 destruction of those who were destroying (i.e. morally ruining) the Land (of Israel). And yes the kingdom of God is a spritual kingdom. As Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world..." John 18:36"
Dee Dee Warren: Two Options of Hyper-Preterism
Dee Dee Warren "This is why only two options are open to the hyperpreterist. One, no one can be saved post-AD 70 or everyone was saved in AD 70. Well, actually there is a third option. There is some secret Gospel for us today that no one but a select few knows."
Great Commission was ONLY for THAT GENERATION
John McPherson "For generations - centuries, even - there has been a sensed imperative among Christians that we must heavily proselytize our neighbors, friends and mankind in general, in order to "usher in the Kingdom" and hasten the Lord's return. As Preterists, that imperative no longer exists. We know that the original disciples fulfilled the Great Commission within their lifetimes, and their "world" was fully evangelized, prior to Christ's return in 70 AD."
Luther Lee: Explain how this occured in the Destruction of Jerusalem
Luther Lee, Eli Ballou. A Discussion on the Doctrine of Endless Punishment. 1857, Page 14-15
1. Christ is said to come in his glory, at the time the wicked are to go away into everlasting punishment, which cannot relate to the destruction of Jerusalem. What is the glory of Christ? It is the glory which he had with the Father "before the world was." John xvii. 5. But can you suppose that the triumph of Roman arms, the sight of a dissolving city, the shouts of victory from a heathen, brutal soldiery, and the groans, blood and death of slaughtered thousands constituted the glory which Christ had with the Father "before the world was?" Again, we have the promise of partaking of Christ's glory, of being glorified with him, Rom viii. 17. If he came in his glory at the destruction of Jerusalem, will it be a blessing to be glorified together with him?
2. In the text Christ is said to come with all the holy angels, which did not take place at the destruction of Jerusalem. We read of angels making their appearance on different occasions. Luke ii. 9., one appeared to the shepherds, "and they were sore afraid." At the resurrection of Christ, Matt. xxiii. 2-4, "the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, his countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow," &c. With this scriptural view of angels before you, will you inform me how Christ came with "all the holy angels" when Jerusalem was overthrown?
3. It is declared that Christ shall sit upon the throne of his glory. Please then show how he sat upon the throne of his glory when Jerusalem fell more than at the fall of Babylon, the overthrow of the Roman empire, or the revolution of France.
4. It is said all nations shall be gathered before Christ, at the time the wicked are doomed to everlasting punishment. There was NO gathering of nations at the destruction of Jerusalem,
but rather a scattering. The Christians all fled, and the Jews were scattered among the nations, from whence they have not returned to this day.
5. It is said that Christ shall separate the gathered nations, one from another, which did not take place at the destruction of Jerusalem. Will you state what nations were separated, after
being first gathered on that occasion ?
6. At the same time the wicked are to go away into everlasting punishment, the righteous are to be rewarded for their good deeds, which did not take place at the destruction of Jerusalem. "
Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." What is this kingdom? It cannot mean the gospel dispensation, as now enjoyed on earth, for Christians inherited this long previous to the destruction of Jerusalem. It cannot mean the call of the Gentiles to partake of the blessings of the gospel, for they were called long before this, it being an acknowledged fact that the gospel was preached nearly through the Roman empire before the fall of Jerusalem.
7. The everlasting punishment in the text, pronounced upon the wicked, was prepared for the devil and his angels. If then the punishment consisted in what befell the Jews at the overthrow
of their city and polity, who are the devil and his angels for whom this national destruction was prepared ?
Book Link
1. Christ is said to come in his glory, at the time the wicked are to go away into everlasting punishment, which cannot relate to the destruction of Jerusalem. What is the glory of Christ? It is the glory which he had with the Father "before the world was." John xvii. 5. But can you suppose that the triumph of Roman arms, the sight of a dissolving city, the shouts of victory from a heathen, brutal soldiery, and the groans, blood and death of slaughtered thousands constituted the glory which Christ had with the Father "before the world was?" Again, we have the promise of partaking of Christ's glory, of being glorified with him, Rom viii. 17. If he came in his glory at the destruction of Jerusalem, will it be a blessing to be glorified together with him?
2. In the text Christ is said to come with all the holy angels, which did not take place at the destruction of Jerusalem. We read of angels making their appearance on different occasions. Luke ii. 9., one appeared to the shepherds, "and they were sore afraid." At the resurrection of Christ, Matt. xxiii. 2-4, "the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, his countenance was like lightning, and his raiment white as snow," &c. With this scriptural view of angels before you, will you inform me how Christ came with "all the holy angels" when Jerusalem was overthrown?
3. It is declared that Christ shall sit upon the throne of his glory. Please then show how he sat upon the throne of his glory when Jerusalem fell more than at the fall of Babylon, the overthrow of the Roman empire, or the revolution of France.
4. It is said all nations shall be gathered before Christ, at the time the wicked are doomed to everlasting punishment. There was NO gathering of nations at the destruction of Jerusalem,
but rather a scattering. The Christians all fled, and the Jews were scattered among the nations, from whence they have not returned to this day.
5. It is said that Christ shall separate the gathered nations, one from another, which did not take place at the destruction of Jerusalem. Will you state what nations were separated, after
being first gathered on that occasion ?
6. At the same time the wicked are to go away into everlasting punishment, the righteous are to be rewarded for their good deeds, which did not take place at the destruction of Jerusalem. "
Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world." What is this kingdom? It cannot mean the gospel dispensation, as now enjoyed on earth, for Christians inherited this long previous to the destruction of Jerusalem. It cannot mean the call of the Gentiles to partake of the blessings of the gospel, for they were called long before this, it being an acknowledged fact that the gospel was preached nearly through the Roman empire before the fall of Jerusalem.
7. The everlasting punishment in the text, pronounced upon the wicked, was prepared for the devil and his angels. If then the punishment consisted in what befell the Jews at the overthrow
of their city and polity, who are the devil and his angels for whom this national destruction was prepared ?
Book Link
Robert Townley: HP is the grub that will never become a butterfly
Robert Townley (First KNOWN Full Preterist, First KNOWN Ex-Full Preterist) Christianity in the Nineteenth Century A Sermon in the Universalist Church of Charlestown, Mass,. Sunday Morning, September 26 (1852)
"If this Apostle could have cast a glance forward eighteen centuries from his own day - if he could have known that the world would have lasted so long, and had been asked what he should suppose would the be the power of the Gospel in the world, how do we think he might have answered? What, may we reasonably imagine, Would have been his expectations? Would it not have been a thing incredible to him to have imagined the actual state of the world? Could he ever have supposed that at the end of so many centuries, the Jews, his brethren, according to the flesh, would be apparently as far off as ever from acknowledging the faith Of Christ? Could he ever have believed that Christianity would have proved so powerless to lead the barbarian, and to throw light upon the dark places of the earth, full of the habitations of cruelty? And above all, could he ever have thought that among Christians themselves Christianity would still remain for the most part only an impracticable idea?"
"We, on the contrary, fulfill every thing by that magic phrase, "the destruction of Jerusalem." But can we really and seriously refer these passages which I have quoted from Paul, to the destruction Jerusalem? Can we truly say that the rejection of the Jews and the calling of the Gentiles, let that mean what it may, exhausted all their meaning ---the meaning which was the thought in Paul’s mind when he wrote them? I must confess I cannot, and I do not see what it is to set aside the authority of Paul as a teacher, if this be not to affirm that Paul had nothing more in his mind than what we call the second coming of Christ, when he wrote these solemn word, "for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we be ever with the Lord: wherefore comfort one another with these word." Comfort one another! It were cold comfort me thinks, to tell these Thessalonians believers sorrowing for their dead, that all that Paul meant was fulfilled a few years afterwards at the destruction of Jerusalem. I know it may be said that this passage refers to another coming, at the time of the restitution of all things"; but I never could understand or make out; that there were three comings of Christ spoken of in the New Testament. Paul's language cannot be thus evaded. It is plain enough, “We which are alive and remain.” There can be no question but that Paul described one return of Christ, whatever were its nature, and that it included in his mind a resurrection of the dead, an end of the world, and a day of judgment as being within the limits of his own natural life, and of those lives of those to whom he was writing.
On leaving Preterist Universalism: "I fear that we are in a poor sickly way just now, by all I can read and hear. I fear we shall remain a sect without hope of ever being anything better. It does not look likely that the grub will ever come to be a butterfly."
"If this Apostle could have cast a glance forward eighteen centuries from his own day - if he could have known that the world would have lasted so long, and had been asked what he should suppose would the be the power of the Gospel in the world, how do we think he might have answered? What, may we reasonably imagine, Would have been his expectations? Would it not have been a thing incredible to him to have imagined the actual state of the world? Could he ever have supposed that at the end of so many centuries, the Jews, his brethren, according to the flesh, would be apparently as far off as ever from acknowledging the faith Of Christ? Could he ever have believed that Christianity would have proved so powerless to lead the barbarian, and to throw light upon the dark places of the earth, full of the habitations of cruelty? And above all, could he ever have thought that among Christians themselves Christianity would still remain for the most part only an impracticable idea?"
"We, on the contrary, fulfill every thing by that magic phrase, "the destruction of Jerusalem." But can we really and seriously refer these passages which I have quoted from Paul, to the destruction Jerusalem? Can we truly say that the rejection of the Jews and the calling of the Gentiles, let that mean what it may, exhausted all their meaning ---the meaning which was the thought in Paul’s mind when he wrote them? I must confess I cannot, and I do not see what it is to set aside the authority of Paul as a teacher, if this be not to affirm that Paul had nothing more in his mind than what we call the second coming of Christ, when he wrote these solemn word, "for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we be ever with the Lord: wherefore comfort one another with these word." Comfort one another! It were cold comfort me thinks, to tell these Thessalonians believers sorrowing for their dead, that all that Paul meant was fulfilled a few years afterwards at the destruction of Jerusalem. I know it may be said that this passage refers to another coming, at the time of the restitution of all things"; but I never could understand or make out; that there were three comings of Christ spoken of in the New Testament. Paul's language cannot be thus evaded. It is plain enough, “We which are alive and remain.” There can be no question but that Paul described one return of Christ, whatever were its nature, and that it included in his mind a resurrection of the dead, an end of the world, and a day of judgment as being within the limits of his own natural life, and of those lives of those to whom he was writing.
On leaving Preterist Universalism: "I fear that we are in a poor sickly way just now, by all I can read and hear. I fear we shall remain a sect without hope of ever being anything better. It does not look likely that the grub will ever come to be a butterfly."
John McPherson: We now live in a "face to face" age
John McPherson "I, by contrast, am more concerned with those who believe that God must remain - to a significant degree - a mystery to us. The "mystery" referred to in the Scriptures was a time-limited phenomenon belonging to the pre-70 AD "age". We now live in a "face to face" age, where God should be readily comprehensible to us in both His Person and dealings with man."
John Humphrey Noyes: HP denial of a Future and Eternal Judgment
John Humphrey Noyes: The Berean: A Manual for the Help of Those who Seek the Faith of the Primitive Church. 1847, page 245.
"One strong hold of Universalists, in fact the most indispensable, is the denial of a future and eternal judgment. By demonstrating, as they easily can, to common sense, (not perhaps to traditionary bigotry,) that the judgment most frequently predicted and alluded to in the New Testament, was to come within the lifetime of the generation contemporary with Christ, they stop the mouths of those who preach a future judgment ; and then, following up then? advantage, they virtually nullify the whole testimony of the Bible concerning the judgment, with its rewards and punishments, by referring it to the destruction of Jerusalem, and the subsequent temporal curses of the Jews, and blessings of the Gentiles."
"First, we concede the manifest truth of their primary position, viz : that the judgment expected
by the primitive church, came to pass at the time appointed, within that generation. But then we prove to them that that was only a judgment of the subjects of the first gospel, the judgment of the Jews, terminating the Mosaic dispensation ; and we point them to predictions of another and final judgment, to come after the times of the Gentiles. By developing the scriptural division of the judgment into two acts, we can grant all they claim, and yet prove a future judgment. Secondly, we show, in relation to the first judgment, that the outward events which they say fulfilled the predictions of that transaction, were only visible signs, bearing no greater propertion of importance to the actual judgment of the second coming, which followed them in the invisible world, than the body bears to the soul."
"One strong hold of Universalists, in fact the most indispensable, is the denial of a future and eternal judgment. By demonstrating, as they easily can, to common sense, (not perhaps to traditionary bigotry,) that the judgment most frequently predicted and alluded to in the New Testament, was to come within the lifetime of the generation contemporary with Christ, they stop the mouths of those who preach a future judgment ; and then, following up then? advantage, they virtually nullify the whole testimony of the Bible concerning the judgment, with its rewards and punishments, by referring it to the destruction of Jerusalem, and the subsequent temporal curses of the Jews, and blessings of the Gentiles."
"First, we concede the manifest truth of their primary position, viz : that the judgment expected
by the primitive church, came to pass at the time appointed, within that generation. But then we prove to them that that was only a judgment of the subjects of the first gospel, the judgment of the Jews, terminating the Mosaic dispensation ; and we point them to predictions of another and final judgment, to come after the times of the Gentiles. By developing the scriptural division of the judgment into two acts, we can grant all they claim, and yet prove a future judgment. Secondly, we show, in relation to the first judgment, that the outward events which they say fulfilled the predictions of that transaction, were only visible signs, bearing no greater propertion of importance to the actual judgment of the second coming, which followed them in the invisible world, than the body bears to the soul."
Kurt Simmons: The "corporate body" view and the "literal rapture" view are is frivolous
Kurt Simmons "It is disappointing to me that Preterism is being divided between two equally untenable views: The "corporate body" view and this new "literal rapture" view.
The corporate body view is frivolous because it fails to distinguish between regeneration and resurrection. The eschatological resurrection was Hadean, plain and simple; souls were take from Hades to Heaven. See Revelation 20:11-15. No corporate body view here! The living underwent a covenantal 'change' in which they received the long awaited atonement and remission of sins, but this is regeneration, not resurrection.
The literal rapture view overlooks the fact that I Thess. 4 never says the saints alive at the eschatological resurrection would be caught up AT THAT TIME to meet the Lord in the air. That is the critical issue. The more defensible view is that they were caught later, at the time of their own physical death and not before. II Cor. 5 makes this very plain when it says "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." When were they caught up? When they absented their physical bodies at death. Simple!"
"We walk by faith, not by sight. It is only when we put off the body in death that we are in the visible presence of God in heaven, not before."
The corporate body view is frivolous because it fails to distinguish between regeneration and resurrection. The eschatological resurrection was Hadean, plain and simple; souls were take from Hades to Heaven. See Revelation 20:11-15. No corporate body view here! The living underwent a covenantal 'change' in which they received the long awaited atonement and remission of sins, but this is regeneration, not resurrection.
The literal rapture view overlooks the fact that I Thess. 4 never says the saints alive at the eschatological resurrection would be caught up AT THAT TIME to meet the Lord in the air. That is the critical issue. The more defensible view is that they were caught later, at the time of their own physical death and not before. II Cor. 5 makes this very plain when it says "to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord." When were they caught up? When they absented their physical bodies at death. Simple!"
"We walk by faith, not by sight. It is only when we put off the body in death that we are in the visible presence of God in heaven, not before."
Dan Delagrave: Monumental transition in A.D.70
Dan Delagrave "There WAS a monumental transition that occurred in A.D.70. Heaven was opened at that time, the dead raised and saints have been "face to face" with Jesus upon death ever since. Prior to A.D.70, people died and "slept in the dust of the earth", waiting, in effect, for the monumental change, or transition, that occurred in A.D.70. Preterism!"
Jason Bradfield: Examples of Preterist Behavior Towards Others
Jason Bradfield "Is that a valid argument according to the rules of logic. NO!!!! It is invalid, it is stupid. And every one of those "questions" are just as stupid. "God doesn't exist" does not NECESSARILY follow from any of those 10 rhetorical questions / propositions.
If you'll weren't asleep or baked during your logic course - you did take logic didn't you? - you would see the problem. And you don't have to be a Christian to figure that out. Take a course in logic you fools.
There is hope that God does still heal morons. "
If you'll weren't asleep or baked during your logic course - you did take logic didn't you? - you would see the problem. And you don't have to be a Christian to figure that out. Take a course in logic you fools.
There is hope that God does still heal morons. "
No further "completion" lies ahead AFTER 70AD
JM "To clarify Biblically, Christ was the "end, goal and fulfillment of [Old Covenant ISRAELITE] history." That history is NOT "yet to be completed". It was completed in the First Century. No further "completion" lies ahead."
Preterists Methods- Below the belt punches used to attack enemies
William Bell "For those not steeped in the drunkenness of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins' "Left Behind" fiction, progress is slowly but effectively being made. "
Norman Voss "The Henry Morris’s, Hal Lindsey’s, Tim Lahaye’s and John Hagee’s are systematically helping destroy American ingenuity with their false religious science that they foist on the American public. "
"I would put more credence in “creeds” if those making the creeds understood the scriptures properly. What I mean is that they were futurist and did not understand the full Preterist hermeneutic and I am not a strong proponent in perpetuating religious ignorance for the sake of the idolatry of tradition."
Michael Sullivan "Scripture interprets Scripture and once again futurism is found wanting in the exegetical arena."
Don Preston "The utter bankruptcy of Dobbs’ futurism is patently obvious."
William Bell "For those not steeped in the drunkenness of Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins' "Left Behind" fiction, progress is slowly but effectively being made. "
Norman Voss "The Henry Morris’s, Hal Lindsey’s, Tim Lahaye’s and John Hagee’s are systematically helping destroy American ingenuity with their false religious science that they foist on the American public. "
"I would put more credence in “creeds” if those making the creeds understood the scriptures properly. What I mean is that they were futurist and did not understand the full Preterist hermeneutic and I am not a strong proponent in perpetuating religious ignorance for the sake of the idolatry of tradition."
Michael Sullivan "Scripture interprets Scripture and once again futurism is found wanting in the exegetical arena."
Don Preston "The utter bankruptcy of Dobbs’ futurism is patently obvious."
William Bell: Just because you can't see it in 70AD DOES NOT MEAN it did not happen
William Bell "Similarly, the resurrection of saints from Hades and the change of the "living" as far as we know, was not perceivable to the physical eye. The limits of physical observation do not deny, disprove, or otherwise negate the clear teachings of scripture that the resurrection occurred in 70 A.D., in connection with the fall of Jerusalem (Matthew 24:31, 34; Luke 21:22; 1 Corinthians 15). "
Larry Siegle: Resurrection is not at point of physical death
Larry Siegle "In the third part we will examine some of the reasons why the resurrection CANNOT BE DIVIDED INTO TWO SEPARATE ASPECTS–one at conversion and another at the point of physical death, as some might suggest. We will also explore some of the reasons why some believers in the first century may have been confused about the time of the resurrection–thinking that it had already past when in reality it was still in process–one that lasted forty years in duration."
Announcing 2008 Preterist Conference: Having a blast by focusing on the Past!!! World Tour
Announcing the 2008 Preterist Conference: Having a blast by focusing on the Past!!! World Tour
This will be a conference for the history books. You will see a ALL NEW kind of Preterism with a NEW DOG and PONY Show for your enjoyment. You will hear your favorite verses from the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation like you've never heard before. The bible says there is nothing new under the sun, but that was before Preterism came to town. If you have itchy ears and a hardened heart, you will definitely be refreshed from our motivative speakers. Our scholarship is full of renown men who can quote the bible better than any futurist. We are introducing this year a new and improved kind of Christianity. No more of that forward thinking type Christianity. We look at the last things as the framework for our first things.
Some of the topics for this conference include:
How to have a really consistent view of the bible. Really! This is a consistent view!
How to sell a book despite using the word Preterist on every page.
How to know you you were saved in 70AD.
You were raptured in 70AD. Really! It happened!
How to say the word Preterist and get people to like you.
It was because it was ALL Invisible . . . silly!
Talking to critics. "I know you are but what am I?"
I said Preterism silly, not Universalism. Duh!
How to run in a race by looking behind you.
What ends and begins in 70AD.
What the early church must have missed.
Implications, Assumptions, and Deductions 101.
A new definition for Sola Scriptura. One Word . . . Josephus!
Either we are right or God is a liar. Works every time.
What Literally Figurative really means.
and many more. . . .
Join the MILLIONS of Preterist around the world. 'Slice bread' has nothing on us. See below for a preview of this historical event. This is a conference you don't want to miss. It will be a real hoot. You don't want to miss this shindigg.
Sign up today! This conference will be free of charge. We ONLY ask you buy our books.
Tags: Transmillennial 2008; TruthVoice 2008, 2008 Preterist Pilgram Weekend
This will be a conference for the history books. You will see a ALL NEW kind of Preterism with a NEW DOG and PONY Show for your enjoyment. You will hear your favorite verses from the Olivet Discourse and the book of Revelation like you've never heard before. The bible says there is nothing new under the sun, but that was before Preterism came to town. If you have itchy ears and a hardened heart, you will definitely be refreshed from our motivative speakers. Our scholarship is full of renown men who can quote the bible better than any futurist. We are introducing this year a new and improved kind of Christianity. No more of that forward thinking type Christianity. We look at the last things as the framework for our first things.
Some of the topics for this conference include:
How to have a really consistent view of the bible. Really! This is a consistent view!
How to sell a book despite using the word Preterist on every page.
How to know you you were saved in 70AD.
You were raptured in 70AD. Really! It happened!
How to say the word Preterist and get people to like you.
It was because it was ALL Invisible . . . silly!
Talking to critics. "I know you are but what am I?"
I said Preterism silly, not Universalism. Duh!
How to run in a race by looking behind you.
What ends and begins in 70AD.
What the early church must have missed.
Implications, Assumptions, and Deductions 101.
A new definition for Sola Scriptura. One Word . . . Josephus!
Either we are right or God is a liar. Works every time.
What Literally Figurative really means.
and many more. . . .
Join the MILLIONS of Preterist around the world. 'Slice bread' has nothing on us. See below for a preview of this historical event. This is a conference you don't want to miss. It will be a real hoot. You don't want to miss this shindigg.
Sign up today! This conference will be free of charge. We ONLY ask you buy our books.
Tags: Transmillennial 2008; TruthVoice 2008, 2008 Preterist Pilgram Weekend
Don Preston: Passing of the Old Covenant in AD70
70AD was the removal of the Old Covenant. Placing ALL in the New Covenant? What stands to condemn if ALL are in New Covenant in this "Age to Come" that Preterists say we are now in.
Don Preston Elements will Melt Page 240
We have shown that Peter's prediction of the destruction of the "elements" must be a reference to the destruction of the elemental world of Old Covenant Judaism. Peter says that Paul taught the same thing on the passing of the elements as he did. But Paul, when discussing the passing of the elements, invariably speaks of the PASSING of the Old Covenant system. Elements will Melt Page 241
Now, Daniel was not predicting that the end of time would be at the end of the 70 weeks. This is admitted by all. However, he did see the consummation of the scheme of redemption, the bringing in of everlasting righteousness. And Daniel's prophecy TERMINATES with the destruction of Jerusalem. That destruction, with the attendant REMOVAL of the covenant that could not give life and righteousness, would signal that ALL WAS NOW completed, all was fulfilled (Luke 21:22), everlasting righteousness had been brought in! (Universalism?)
In Galatians 4 the apostle speaks of the two sons and the two mothers.
These represented the Old Covenant and Israel, and the New Covenant and new people In Galatians, Paul spoke of the inability of that old world to impute righteousness, "If a law could be given that could give life, then verily righteousness would be through the Law" (Galatians 3:21).
That old creation of futility, that could not give life and righteousness was at that time "persecuting the seed of promise," and as a result Paul said, "cast out the bondwoman and her son!" (Galatians 4:30-31). Contrary to the popular belief that God was through with Israel at the cross, Paul makes it clear that Israel was to be cast out for persecuting the church. Unless Israel persecuted the church prior to the cross, then Israel was not cast out at the cross! Elements will Melt Page 202
Many people mistakenly believe that the Old Covenant was removed at the Cross and that God's promises to Israel were all fulfilled at that juncture. It is held that post-Pentecost, Jehovah was no longer bound to any of His covenant promises to Israel, and that, consequently, the eschatology found in the New Testament books is found in new promises made to the church exclusive of Israel. This is egregiously wrong!
Elements will Melt Page 12
The rejoinder will be offered that Jesus took the Law away by his death (Romans 7, Ephesians 2, etc). Without question his death was the ground and power for that removal, but the Law was not removed at the Cross. As noted, Jesus said the Law and prophets COULD NOT PASS AWAY UNTIL IT WAS ALL FULFILLED. In A.D. 33 Jesus looked beyond Calvary to the fall of the Jewish polity in 70, and said in that demise all prophecy would be fulfilled. Therefore, Jesus well knew the Law would not fully pass until then.
Elements will Melt Page 17
Further, the New Covenant teaches that the passing of the Law was an on-going process. In 2 Corinthian 3:13 Paul said the Law was "being abolished," and they were living, several years subsequent to Calvary, in "hope" of the coming New Covenant. In Hebrews 8:13 inspiration says the Old Law was "nigh unto vanishing away" or in the process of vanishing.
Hebrews 12:22f speaks of the system that was being shaken so that the unshakable kingdom, that was in the process of being delivered, might remain. Each of these texts illustrates that the PASSING OF THE O.T. WAS NOT COMPLETED in one singular action at the Cross. Again, that was the power behind the Law's demise, but other prophecy had to be fulfilled to complete that abrogation. The passing of the O.T. occurred over a period of time as it's prophecies were fulfilled and as the New was given and confirmed. Other verses confirm this.
Don Preston Elements will Melt Page 240
We have shown that Peter's prediction of the destruction of the "elements" must be a reference to the destruction of the elemental world of Old Covenant Judaism. Peter says that Paul taught the same thing on the passing of the elements as he did. But Paul, when discussing the passing of the elements, invariably speaks of the PASSING of the Old Covenant system. Elements will Melt Page 241
Now, Daniel was not predicting that the end of time would be at the end of the 70 weeks. This is admitted by all. However, he did see the consummation of the scheme of redemption, the bringing in of everlasting righteousness. And Daniel's prophecy TERMINATES with the destruction of Jerusalem. That destruction, with the attendant REMOVAL of the covenant that could not give life and righteousness, would signal that ALL WAS NOW completed, all was fulfilled (Luke 21:22), everlasting righteousness had been brought in! (Universalism?)
In Galatians 4 the apostle speaks of the two sons and the two mothers.
These represented the Old Covenant and Israel, and the New Covenant and new people In Galatians, Paul spoke of the inability of that old world to impute righteousness, "If a law could be given that could give life, then verily righteousness would be through the Law" (Galatians 3:21).
That old creation of futility, that could not give life and righteousness was at that time "persecuting the seed of promise," and as a result Paul said, "cast out the bondwoman and her son!" (Galatians 4:30-31). Contrary to the popular belief that God was through with Israel at the cross, Paul makes it clear that Israel was to be cast out for persecuting the church. Unless Israel persecuted the church prior to the cross, then Israel was not cast out at the cross! Elements will Melt Page 202
Many people mistakenly believe that the Old Covenant was removed at the Cross and that God's promises to Israel were all fulfilled at that juncture. It is held that post-Pentecost, Jehovah was no longer bound to any of His covenant promises to Israel, and that, consequently, the eschatology found in the New Testament books is found in new promises made to the church exclusive of Israel. This is egregiously wrong!
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The rejoinder will be offered that Jesus took the Law away by his death (Romans 7, Ephesians 2, etc). Without question his death was the ground and power for that removal, but the Law was not removed at the Cross. As noted, Jesus said the Law and prophets COULD NOT PASS AWAY UNTIL IT WAS ALL FULFILLED. In A.D. 33 Jesus looked beyond Calvary to the fall of the Jewish polity in 70, and said in that demise all prophecy would be fulfilled. Therefore, Jesus well knew the Law would not fully pass until then.
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Further, the New Covenant teaches that the passing of the Law was an on-going process. In 2 Corinthian 3:13 Paul said the Law was "being abolished," and they were living, several years subsequent to Calvary, in "hope" of the coming New Covenant. In Hebrews 8:13 inspiration says the Old Law was "nigh unto vanishing away" or in the process of vanishing.
Hebrews 12:22f speaks of the system that was being shaken so that the unshakable kingdom, that was in the process of being delivered, might remain. Each of these texts illustrates that the PASSING OF THE O.T. WAS NOT COMPLETED in one singular action at the Cross. Again, that was the power behind the Law's demise, but other prophecy had to be fulfilled to complete that abrogation. The passing of the O.T. occurred over a period of time as it's prophecies were fulfilled and as the New was given and confirmed. Other verses confirm this.
Don Preston: Hymenaeus Taught a Spiritual Reurrection JUST LIKE WE DO
If Hymenaeus is teaching a spiritual resurrection is a past event, and Don Preston is teaching a spiritual resurrection is a past event, then how in the world is Preston different than Hymenaeus, both are being condemned by Paul which is a very serious charge. If the resurrection is indeed spiritual then how can it be a past event?
Don Preston Article Covenant Eschatology and the Hymanaean Heresy
"If the resurrection is a time ending, earth burning, history ending event, when the material body of every person who has ever lived is instantaneously reconstructed and raised out of the ground, not to mention the sea, just how in the name of reason could anyone convince anyone that this had already occurred? Paul dealt with the same issue in Thessalonica (2 Thessalonians 2:1-2)."
"If Hymenaeus was teaching the wrong concept of the resurrection, Paul could have easily negated him by showing that he was teaching the wrong kind of resurrection. Paul could have said, "Brethren, the resurrection is a physically observable event! Hymenaeus is teaching that it is a spiritual event."
(And HOW is this different than Preston?)
"Jesus was approached by the Pharisees, who believed in a physical resurrection, and asked, "when the kingdom of God would come" (Luke 17:20). Jesus' response is critical, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation." If the kingdom and the resurrection are inseparably linked, and the kingdom is not with observation, why is the resurrection a visible event?"
"Hymenaeus simply had his timing off, and believed that Old Covenant things belonged to Christ's New Order."
(NOW WATCH THIS!!!!. Preston says the resurrection is not a visible observable event. But he continues to maintain this was simply a timing issue, rather than a error of teaching spiritual things were really temporal in nature. So by Preston's own comments, if something is in fact invisible, and not observable, how can he prove the resurrection occurred in 70ad. If he can prove it, when exactly did it occur and how does he know it occurred? If is is not a visible event, observable event, then how can it be observed by Preston in 70ad? How can he maintain it is a past event?)
In David Green's own words "IF futurism is true and the Resurrection has not yet happened since the time that Paul wrote II Tim. 2:17,18, then preterism is indeed -- in the words of II Tim. 2:17,18 -- "ungodliness," "gangrene," a deviation from the Truth, and a Faith-overthrowing doctrine. If the Resurrection of II Tim. 2:17,18 has still not yet happened, then preterists are certainly heretics."
Please see other comments under "Hymenaeus / Philetus" for how Preterist misinterpret and try to justify the issue of the resurrection being a past event.
Don Preston Article Covenant Eschatology and the Hymanaean Heresy
"If the resurrection is a time ending, earth burning, history ending event, when the material body of every person who has ever lived is instantaneously reconstructed and raised out of the ground, not to mention the sea, just how in the name of reason could anyone convince anyone that this had already occurred? Paul dealt with the same issue in Thessalonica (2 Thessalonians 2:1-2)."
"If Hymenaeus was teaching the wrong concept of the resurrection, Paul could have easily negated him by showing that he was teaching the wrong kind of resurrection. Paul could have said, "Brethren, the resurrection is a physically observable event! Hymenaeus is teaching that it is a spiritual event."
(And HOW is this different than Preston?)
"Jesus was approached by the Pharisees, who believed in a physical resurrection, and asked, "when the kingdom of God would come" (Luke 17:20). Jesus' response is critical, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation." If the kingdom and the resurrection are inseparably linked, and the kingdom is not with observation, why is the resurrection a visible event?"
"Hymenaeus simply had his timing off, and believed that Old Covenant things belonged to Christ's New Order."
(NOW WATCH THIS!!!!. Preston says the resurrection is not a visible observable event. But he continues to maintain this was simply a timing issue, rather than a error of teaching spiritual things were really temporal in nature. So by Preston's own comments, if something is in fact invisible, and not observable, how can he prove the resurrection occurred in 70ad. If he can prove it, when exactly did it occur and how does he know it occurred? If is is not a visible event, observable event, then how can it be observed by Preston in 70ad? How can he maintain it is a past event?)
In David Green's own words "IF futurism is true and the Resurrection has not yet happened since the time that Paul wrote II Tim. 2:17,18, then preterism is indeed -- in the words of II Tim. 2:17,18 -- "ungodliness," "gangrene," a deviation from the Truth, and a Faith-overthrowing doctrine. If the Resurrection of II Tim. 2:17,18 has still not yet happened, then preterists are certainly heretics."
Please see other comments under "Hymenaeus / Philetus" for how Preterist misinterpret and try to justify the issue of the resurrection being a past event.
Matthew 16:28 Does NOT use the term "Parousia" at all
Tom G. "I, myself, am a "Preterist" (Not a scriptural term) and it is not accidental that what every preterist uses as the time statement for the "parousia" (Matthew 16:28) does not use the term "parousia" at all. therefore, neither should we!
"The difference I attempted to explain and why your observation is not the same thing, is that "parousia" is a scriptural term. It is not permissible to substitute one scriptural term for a different term than the one used by the author. Each term used by the author was specifically chosen by God for a reason. That both Mark and Luke did not use parousia when writing of the same event is not accidental, there was a deliberate reason for the difference. Just as the parousia was deliberately used by Paul to describe the coming of the wicked one in 2 Th.2:9. You allude to associated terms, by this I take it to mean associated to the term parousia, which I have just explained I deny as being possible, there are no associated terms to parousia, each term has its only use for a reason. "
"The difference I attempted to explain and why your observation is not the same thing, is that "parousia" is a scriptural term. It is not permissible to substitute one scriptural term for a different term than the one used by the author. Each term used by the author was specifically chosen by God for a reason. That both Mark and Luke did not use parousia when writing of the same event is not accidental, there was a deliberate reason for the difference. Just as the parousia was deliberately used by Paul to describe the coming of the wicked one in 2 Th.2:9. You allude to associated terms, by this I take it to mean associated to the term parousia, which I have just explained I deny as being possible, there are no associated terms to parousia, each term has its only use for a reason. "
Thomas Jefferson Quote
"I like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past." --Thomas Jefferson
Kurt Simmons: Eschatological Resurrection in AD70 "The Invention of Certain Modern Writers"
I believe the technical term for what Kurt calls "the invention of certain modern writers" and "therefore should not be received as the teaching of the scriptures on the subject" is really just another way of saying THOSE PEOPLE ARE DECEIVED and ARE FALSE TEACHERS. While he is nicer in his approach, this would be how I would translate his words.
Kurt Simmons "The image of resurrection is used metaphorically of Israel during its captivity in Babylon and Assyria. Ezekiel saw a vision of dead bones come together and stand upon their feet, a great army. The vision was interpreted for Ezekiel as prophesying the nation’s political resurrection and restoration to its native land. (Ezek. 37) Some attempt to make an analogy and apply this vision to the church, saying there is a collective and corporate resurrection of the national to the spiritual and the political to the ecclesiastical. However tempting this analogy may seem, it is certain no New Testament writer ever speaks of the eschatological resurrection in such terms. It exists only by the invention of certain modern writers and therefore should not be received as the teaching of the scriptures on the subject."
Kurt Simmons "The image of resurrection is used metaphorically of Israel during its captivity in Babylon and Assyria. Ezekiel saw a vision of dead bones come together and stand upon their feet, a great army. The vision was interpreted for Ezekiel as prophesying the nation’s political resurrection and restoration to its native land. (Ezek. 37) Some attempt to make an analogy and apply this vision to the church, saying there is a collective and corporate resurrection of the national to the spiritual and the political to the ecclesiastical. However tempting this analogy may seem, it is certain no New Testament writer ever speaks of the eschatological resurrection in such terms. It exists only by the invention of certain modern writers and therefore should not be received as the teaching of the scriptures on the subject."
Kurt Simmons: Drop Kicks Full Preterist View to the Curb on Resurrection

Kurt Simmons "Thus, we plainly see that the promise of resurrection is the promise of eternal life in heaven. This world is set over against that world; this life against that life. Unless and until we attain unto that world, we have not attained unto the resurrection from the dead."
" Matt. 22:30 says “in heaven” – children of the resurrection are as angels of God in heaven. Resurrection now therefore means heaven now. The notion that believers are in “heaven now” was circulating a few years ago. This is the basis of that error: if you believe we have resurrection now, you must affirm we are in heaven now, for the children of the resurrection are as angels in heaven. Therefore to be raised is to be in heaven; but if we are not in heaven, we have not yet been raised. This pretty much disposes of the “corporate body” view; it simply cannot get over the hurdle that Paul and Christ place the resurrection in the next life in heaven, not here on earth."
"God has giving living men a lively and living hope of an inheritiance incorruptible, in heaven. Notice that word ‘incorruptible’ – an incorruptible inheritance requires an incorruptible body. So, when Paul says flesh and blood – the tangible, corporeal, material, visible, and corruptible body of this earthly existence - cannot inherit the spiritual realm of above, he speaks to man’s ultimate home in heaven. Material bodies, by definition, are bounded by time and space; but spirit is not bound this way. Therefore, in order to even enter the realms above, man must shed his mortal body. This is the resurrection promised believers and the one discussed in I Corinthians 15."
Linda Tate: What the Church Fathers Failed to Recognize
Linda Tate "Less-than-accurate Bible translations imply that all but a few (Mat. 7:14, 22:14) go to eternal hell when the Greek threatens only an aion in Gehenna, already having happened. Just because the church fathers (and the church mothers lol) failed to recognize fulfilled prophecy in their generation, doesn't mean that we must agree. "
The Old Testament wouldn't have much to say about it. . . except by equating the everlasting kingdom as being "from everlasting." So its not that heaven is NOW (which temporally applied after 70AD)... its that it is ETERNAL.
Ward Fenley "These guys who deny heaven now are extremely shallow in their knowledge of the OT and I have literally *never* had them try to defend their position using any OT scriptures. It is indeed telling conspicuously exposes their inability to interpret the OT spiritually and show its relationship to Pauline theology. "
Ted Warren "I definitely agree that we are in Heaven now as believers."
Ward Fenley "These guys who deny heaven now are extremely shallow in their knowledge of the OT and I have literally *never* had them try to defend their position using any OT scriptures. It is indeed telling conspicuously exposes their inability to interpret the OT spiritually and show its relationship to Pauline theology. "
Ted Warren "I definitely agree that we are in Heaven now as believers."
Tony Denton: Those who didn't survive AD70 ARE NOT in Heaven
Tony Denton "What exactly is My rest? I believe this? I believe this context indicates that God's rest is the ultimate rest of Heaven itself. Those Jews who rebelled and didn’t make it through the wilderness into Canaan, also didn't make it into Heaven (generally speaking, of course, since I’m sure Moses is there); likewise, those Jews who didn't make it through the tribulation and into the kingdom of Heaven in AD 70 also didn't make it into Heaven —God’’s rest.
(Does this mean Paul, Peter, and James did not make it since they did not survive the tribulation or live past AD70???? According to tradition, Paul died in 68AD. Did he have to wait 2 years before finally receiving his crown? So the post AD70 world IS HEAVEN.. Naturally. Isn't it obvious? I guess the world is the kingdom of heaven too.. Naturally, and the world is at rest too.. Naturally?)
Tony Denton is a "in the closet" hyper-preterist who is a church of Christ preacher in Lawrence, Kansas.
(Does this mean Paul, Peter, and James did not make it since they did not survive the tribulation or live past AD70???? According to tradition, Paul died in 68AD. Did he have to wait 2 years before finally receiving his crown? So the post AD70 world IS HEAVEN.. Naturally. Isn't it obvious? I guess the world is the kingdom of heaven too.. Naturally, and the world is at rest too.. Naturally?)

Tony Denton is a "in the closet" hyper-preterist who is a church of Christ preacher in Lawrence, Kansas.
Tony Denton: "AD 70 Coming of Christ brought to fruition THE REDEMPTION OF MANKIND IN ALL ITS TOTALITY"
Tony Denton " Jesus’ Day of Atonement work was completed within that generation of grace; it was completed at the time of the end of the old covenant and the bringing in of the new."
"When the work of High Priest Jesus was accomplished in the true holiest of all and God had accepted His sacrifice on behalf of mankind, Jesus re-turned to once and for all put an end to the OT and all of its remaining vestiges: Jerusalem, its temple, and its unacceptable sin-offerings which just spit in the face of Jesus; this AD 70 coming of Christ brought to fruition the redemption of mankind in all its totality. "
"Even Peter used this idea to encourage suffering brethren: in First Peter 1:5 he wrote to them about salvation ready to be revealed in the last time, or, as Paul put it here, at the consummation of the ages. The thing is, if Christ did not appear this second time (Heb. 9:28), then the logical conclusion is that there’s no redemption and no salvation for us yet! How sad indeed! "
"Since Paul associated the Old Covenant with Old Jerusalem and the New Covenant with New Jerusalem (Gal. 4:22-26), then we can conclude that in AD 70 (when Old Jerusalem was annihilated once and for all, taking all its leftovers with it) the coming of New Jerusalem arrived with the fullness of the New Covenant, bringing with it the restoration of God’s presence"
"Related phrases are the regeneration (Mat. 19:28) and the times of restoration (Acts 3:21), all three referring to the age-changing event in AD 70"
"This suggests that the old covenant (in the time of Paul) was (like an old man) losing its strength and wasting away, even to the point that it would soon vanish away. Since old things eventually disappear, the conclusion is that the OT would soon be gone—AD 70."
"Not only did this day alleviate Christian persecution, but it also completely removed any vestiges of the old covenant of sin and death so that the new covenant or the kingdom of righteousness and life could appear in all its fullness and glory."
Tony Denton is a "in the closet" hyper-preterist who is a church of Christ preacher in Lawrence, Kansas.

"When the work of High Priest Jesus was accomplished in the true holiest of all and God had accepted His sacrifice on behalf of mankind, Jesus re-turned to once and for all put an end to the OT and all of its remaining vestiges: Jerusalem, its temple, and its unacceptable sin-offerings which just spit in the face of Jesus; this AD 70 coming of Christ brought to fruition the redemption of mankind in all its totality. "
"Even Peter used this idea to encourage suffering brethren: in First Peter 1:5 he wrote to them about salvation ready to be revealed in the last time, or, as Paul put it here, at the consummation of the ages. The thing is, if Christ did not appear this second time (Heb. 9:28), then the logical conclusion is that there’s no redemption and no salvation for us yet! How sad indeed! "
"Since Paul associated the Old Covenant with Old Jerusalem and the New Covenant with New Jerusalem (Gal. 4:22-26), then we can conclude that in AD 70 (when Old Jerusalem was annihilated once and for all, taking all its leftovers with it) the coming of New Jerusalem arrived with the fullness of the New Covenant, bringing with it the restoration of God’s presence"
"Related phrases are the regeneration (Mat. 19:28) and the times of restoration (Acts 3:21), all three referring to the age-changing event in AD 70"
"This suggests that the old covenant (in the time of Paul) was (like an old man) losing its strength and wasting away, even to the point that it would soon vanish away. Since old things eventually disappear, the conclusion is that the OT would soon be gone—AD 70."
"Not only did this day alleviate Christian persecution, but it also completely removed any vestiges of the old covenant of sin and death so that the new covenant or the kingdom of righteousness and life could appear in all its fullness and glory."
Tony Denton is a "in the closet" hyper-preterist who is a church of Christ preacher in Lawrence, Kansas.

Virgil Vaduva: Arrogance and Delusions of Preterism
This is pretty sad stuff. There is a difference between persecution and prosecution. Full prets can only see opposition as persecution because they cannot face the possibility of having burnt so many bridges, and lost so much... for something that isn't even true.
"Preterism should not be a movement of losers, whiners and martyrs, but a movement surging with confidence and success. When our critics see us "boasting" with millions of web visits, published books and successful conferences, they should rather say “good job” and not display disdain and criticism, and not mingle confidence with pride. They should be happy that so many people are being reached daily with the truth of Covenant Eschatology. Instead, many are burning with invidious egoism and are turning any rock trying to find something to use in order to smear our success. (LOL) So, if you want to continue to be small and insignificant, and if you want to continue to accomplish small things, by all means, continue to focus on negativism and criticism, it is a recipe for success (or failure depending on what you are after). (LOL) We choose to think big, focus on trust, relationships and we will put a new face on Preterism, whether our critics like it or not. We will drag them kicking and screaming, and confidently we will reassert that Preterism is about the Kingdom, not about being right on eschatology; it is about having confidence in others (like the goat-people), as they perhaps will learn to have confidence in us; it is about believing that Jesus has confidence in us and expects us to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities. We are the new proud and confident face of Preterism, so learn to live with us; it is not a demand, it is simply a fact. "
"Preterism should not be a movement of losers, whiners and martyrs, but a movement surging with confidence and success. When our critics see us "boasting" with millions of web visits, published books and successful conferences, they should rather say “good job” and not display disdain and criticism, and not mingle confidence with pride. They should be happy that so many people are being reached daily with the truth of Covenant Eschatology. Instead, many are burning with invidious egoism and are turning any rock trying to find something to use in order to smear our success. (LOL) So, if you want to continue to be small and insignificant, and if you want to continue to accomplish small things, by all means, continue to focus on negativism and criticism, it is a recipe for success (or failure depending on what you are after). (LOL) We choose to think big, focus on trust, relationships and we will put a new face on Preterism, whether our critics like it or not. We will drag them kicking and screaming, and confidently we will reassert that Preterism is about the Kingdom, not about being right on eschatology; it is about having confidence in others (like the goat-people), as they perhaps will learn to have confidence in us; it is about believing that Jesus has confidence in us and expects us to have confidence in ourselves and our abilities. We are the new proud and confident face of Preterism, so learn to live with us; it is not a demand, it is simply a fact. "
Mystery Fulfilled: NOT ALL IN SOME, BUT ALL IN ALL.
Hear the Everlasting Gospel,
The Gift of God: Eternal life.
Our Lord has paid the price.
Our Lord was lifted up,
He hung upon that tree.
Words declare His purpose true.
"I'll drag ALL MEN to me."
So why resist his loving hand,
Or rebel against the rod.
You and I, we are included,
In this massive plan of God.
All knees shall bow and tongues confess,
And all the world shall see,
The Grace of God that has appeared,
To bring life to you and me.
Gathered together, ALL AS ONE,
As God the Father willed.
The Mystery Fulfilled.
Dean Johnson
The Gift of God: Eternal life.
Our Lord has paid the price.
Our Lord was lifted up,
He hung upon that tree.
Words declare His purpose true.
"I'll drag ALL MEN to me."
So why resist his loving hand,
Or rebel against the rod.
You and I, we are included,
In this massive plan of God.
All knees shall bow and tongues confess,
And all the world shall see,
The Grace of God that has appeared,
To bring life to you and me.
Gathered together, ALL AS ONE,
As God the Father willed.
The Mystery Fulfilled.
Dean Johnson
Michael Grace: Christianity in its Preterist Context- it will involve certain pre-understanding
Michael Grace "**The Lord’s Prayer in its Preterist Context**"
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