Mike Sullivan: Polygamy-Valid and Biblical Form of Marriage

A recent Preterist author has introduced a new book called "House Divided" which has been advertised on many Preterist websites. The following article below EXPLAINS WHY the house is divided. It is called "polygamy" or being married to multiple wives. If one wife is not enough, try multiple wives. I find it interesting that many Preterists will support ANYONE who agrees with their views of eschatology, and yet, ignore other issues completely. Maybe this is why the Preterist house is divided. They are very quick to "become one flesh" with anyone as long as their views of eschatology are aligned.

Mike Sullivan The Bible and Polygamy
"While certain aspects of the old covenant passed in 70 A.D. with the destruction of the temple (Matt. 24:1-2, 34; Heb. 8:13), it would be exegetically impossible to condemn the practice of polygamy under the old covenant or transition period (30 - 70 A.D.). Likewise, there is simply no exegetical support to condemn polygamy today in cultures where it is lawful and is thus practiced."
"Understanding polygamy and accepting it as a valid and Biblical form of marriage, today is very crucial because it brings healing and knowledge to those who have found themselves divorced by a spouse, as well as giving understanding and wisdom to missionaries who preach the gospel to polygamous families in other countries. It is my sincere prayer that you have experienced some healing and/or gained wisdom and understanding from what God's Word has to say on this subject of polygamy. "



Hank Hanegraaff (Bible Answer Man) says on this topic "The answer to the last question is no. The ideal pattern of monogamous marriage of one woman and one man was established early in Genesis. Remember the text that says "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife and they will become one flesh." This very passage was quoted by Jesus and Paul in defense of the sacredness and exclusivity of monogamous marriage."

Not only that, but the Bible explicitly condemns the polygamy of Old Testament kings. The New Testament, in like fashion, says that elders and deacons are called to be the husband of but one wife. Just as the requirements for church leaders set the standards of morality and maturity for all believers, so the admonition against polygamy for the kings of Israel demonstrates the danger of this kind of practice."

"There is no standard in civilization, there is no context in the canon of God's Word, that gives any out for this kind of behavior. It simply is not sanctioned in Scripture. The fact that the Bible gives examples of people who defied His will is simply a way of saying that the Bible is not airbrushed. It provides reality in its naked deformity, with all its warts and moles and wrinkles. It tells it like it is. But the fact that the Bible has a narrative about something doesn't mean that the Bible sanctions it."