Parson's Pen What do the left-wing attacks upon Vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin have in common with the Apostolic Full-Preterist’s method of defending their doctrine? Just as the rabid left-wing liberals have been particularly demeaning in their personal attacks upon Palin, the Apostolic Full-Preterists have been equally demeaning in their personal attacks upon anyone that disagrees with them. I should know, having made several efforts to engage them in a civil intellectual discussion of their views."
"The presumptive approach by the Apostolic Full-Preterist in defining their views leads to some extremely peculiar ideas. In order to keep consistency that ALL prophecy was fulfilled in 70 AD, Satan no longer deceives, devours, or accuses. He, according to the Apostolic Full-Preterists, was in 70 AD hurled into the fiery abyss we call Hell. Since that date there has been a cessation of demonic possession that you read about repeatedly in the New Testament. The Full Preterists in our Apostolic ranks can provide no explanation for the continued existence of evil and the testimonies of demons being cast out by our Apostolic fathers. Neither can they provide an explanation of who is leading the kingdom of darkness since Satan has been in the fiery abyss for the past 2,000 years."
"Apostolic Full-Preterists also claim that the 1,000 year reign of Christ only lasted 37 years. They define the 1,000 years as to be figurative and should be defined as “many”, rather than a literal 1,000 years. Again, they ignore that 37 years is NOT considered to be MANY or A LONG TIME."
"What about the comparison of the left-wing attacks on Sarah Palin and the Apostolic Full-Preterist method of debate? Apostolic Full-Preterists do not take kindly to the disproving of their pet points. Their ire usually is shown in a ridiculing attack that mocks, insults, and demeans those that disagree. Rather than to intellectually defend their position, their preferred method is to “intimidate or anger” anyone that dares to challenges their doctrine."