"Just think: someday a young believer will walk into a Christian bookstore and go to the prophecy section: instead of seeing 60 pre-mill dispy titles, 2 amill titles, and 1 book by either Demar or Hanegraaff, they'll see books by Preston, Frost, Kloske, Martin, Birks, Noe, Simmons, and King. There will be CD series by Birks and Curtis. There will be debates by Preston. Who knows, there may even be books by Gary DeMar and Kenneth Gentry talking about why, near the end of their lives and ministries, they abandoned their partial preterist postmillenialism and embraced covenant eschatology. Maybe even one or two 1- volume commentaries on the whole Bible, from a preterist view. How about a Preterist study Bible?"
(source: http://preterism.ning.com/profiles/blog/show?id=1632544%3ABlogPost%3A30360&page=3#comment-1632544_Comment_30718)
These guys are totally nuts. If the delusions of their doctrine was not enough, now one Hyper-Preterist believes their view will go mainstream. This is an impossibility that has not happened nor will it ever.