5solas.org Owner Calls Hyper-Preterists "Damnable heretics"

Brandan Kraft owner of 5solas.org

"In Paul’s first letter to the church at Corinth he wrote that a denial of a “resurrection of the dead” is indeed a matter of life and death. He affirms that a belief in the resurrection was absolutely necessary if one was to have any hope in Christ. He also says that if there is no resurrection that we as men are the most pitiable. Simply summarizing, Paul states emphatically that if we were to deny the resurrection, our “faith is futile” and we are still in our sins! And this is exactly what hyper preterists are doing today by denying the resurrection.To be fair, I will present to you what hyper preterists would say to that charge. Hyper preterists today say they believe in the resurrection of the dead so this charge is not valid. They however would amend their argument stating that it occurred in 70 AD and it was a “spiritual” resurrection; that it was different than what most Christians expect to see when we read the Scriptures. Well, friends, if that’s the case, then either those who hold to a future physical resurrection are lost, or those who hold to a past spiritual resurrection are lost. To me the critical issue is the nature of the resurrection. And this is what makes hyper preterism so deadly. Mark my words, we do not believe in the same “resurrection” and because of that, one group has to be right and the other group has to be wrong. To erroneously deny the nature of the resurrection is to commit the same error that the cultists do when they deny God’s attributes. A denial of the nature of the resurrection is a denial of the resurrection in the same way a denial of God’s attributes is a denial of God Himself!To further illustrate my point, genuine Christians and followers of cults like Mormonism and the Jehovah’s Witness claim to believe in God and have faith that Christ’s atonement has been applied to them. But the truth is Christians and the followers of these Cults are worlds apart because they believe in different gods! The Christian looks to The Christ or the Son personhood of the Sovereign Triune God of Scripture while followers of the cults look to a god or christ that deviates greatly from the description given to us by the Bible. In reality, the followers of the cults are worshiping a god of their own mind or imagination. They don’t know the Jesus true Christians know. And in the same way those who claim to believe the teaching of hyper preterism believe in a resurrection that is completely contrary to the same resurrection in which I believe. Because of this deviancy in the meaning of the resurrection, one of us has no hope and one of us is lost in their sins as Paul rightly states. Christ’s resurrection was physical. He was the first to be resurrected and I believe I will be resurrected in exactly the same manner. Those who don’t share this hope with me do not know of the hope I have in Christ and have swallowed the gnostic lie of Hymenaeus thus painting themselves not as genuine Christians, but as damnable heretics unless they repent. These are harsh words, but they are not my own, but those of the Apostle Paul’s. I like to think of 5solas.org as haven for truth on the Internet. For a period of a couple years I have thoroughly and honestly investigated the teachings of hyper preterism. I approached it carefully and closely listened to both sides of the argument. I have met some people that I consider to be good online friends and it pains me more than anything to say this – but I cannot embrace them any longer as brethren in Christ if they continue to embrace the teaching of hyper preterism. This pains me greatly because I truly love these people. But I must stand for truth rather than knowingly turn a blind eye to their serious and deadly error in hopes that God may grant them repentance. To not do so would be unloving, and in fact murderous. Therefore as owner and webmaster of 5solas.org, I hereby renounce the doctrine of hyper preterism and declare it to be neo-hymenaenism. It is a lie of Satan used to ensnare and deceive many, and if it were possible, even the elect."
