Virgil Vaduva's Arrogance: "We know more than you"

Virgil Vaduva must be looking to boost his confidence in himself by blasting away at any blog post he can find that has anything negative to say about Preterism. Virgil definitely shows how arrogant he truly is toward people who have questions toward Preterism. Virgil demonstrates a common tendency that is shown among Hyper-Preterists. A tendency which appears by his willingness "to be right." Certainly what "he knows" is much better and purer than what "you know."

Virgil Says: June 6, 2008 at 1:18 pm "You must think you are the first guy to ask all these questions apparently…”I got them” right? With very little effort, you can actually get answers to all your questions. If you visit and read the Frequently Asked Questions section, you will understand that you are not the first, nor will you be the last to “get us.”

Also, you are not “exposing” preterism by posting a quick question on your blog. If you actually think that, you are greatly misguided and are not motivated by truth, but by a spirit of name-calling, which you apparently are quite comfortable with.

Most Preterists can run circles around you as far as “scripture knowing” goes, so put less pride in your knowledge and trust the word of God a little more."

Comment by Virgil 2008-07-09 20:44:07 "If those of you trying to refuse Preterism are really motivated to do so, you need to do better. So far I only see mockery and personal attacks coming from this crowd. Come on folks - if you want to be taken serious, throw in some scripture once in a great while!"