Preterism's Chief Weakness- Narrow Focus by focusing on Historical Events

Gordan Runyan "This is actually a symptom of what I believe is one of Preterism's CHIEF WEAKNESSES. That is, if the book was fulfilled in the events of Jerusalem around 70 AD, then the interpreter's pool of possibilities from which to draw fulfillments of the prophecies is severely restricted. This can result in conflicted and strained attempts to make the very narrow history fit into the vision."


Response from psychohmike "Yeah...I too find it problematic to search for and apply historical events as the true fulfillment of prophecy.

I too have gone from futurism to preterism and beyond. I do believe that 70AD was very significant regarding prophecy...but I think it is a mistake to make it the focal point.

I also think that it is important to remember that sometimes story is more important than the systemization of the text. Jesus told lots of stories. And it is man that systematized His stories into theological door stops."