Modern Universalism Exposed
By Parsons Cooke (1834)
Page 189 "Again, the Universalists (aka Hyper-Preterism) make the doctrine of the resurrection of the dead to be the leading doctrine of the gospel. And there is a sense in which it is truly so. But they exalt this doctrine more than any other class of religionists, in that they find in it the restoration not only of the life of the body, but also of the soul... And yet they pretend that they can believe that a doctrine so important to them, as that of the resurrection, it but seldom mentioned in the discourses of Christ, while the DESTRUCTION OF JERUSALEM IS ON ALL OCCASIONS THE THEME OF REMARK. . . AND YET THEY WILL HAVE US BELIEVE THAT AN EVENT OF NO MORE IMPORTANCE IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD, which he came to save, THAN THAT OF JERUSALEM'S DESTRUCTION, CAN OCCUPY THE GREATER PART OF HIS DISCOURSES, recorded in the evangelists."
"If I would be a Universalist (HP) after the model of these writers, I must furthermore believe that Paul being now ready to be offered, and the time of his departure at hand, had his soul filled with emotions unutterable, in anticipation of a crown that he was to receive at the time of Jerusalem's destruction."
"Having shown that these words a shadow of proof they have that meaning here, he (Mr. Hyper-Preterist) then assumes further that to come forth to a resurrection of life, means to come into the happiness enjoyed by the believer in this world, and to come forth unto the resurrection of damnation means the experience of the temporal judgments, which came upon the unbelieving Jews at the close of their dispensation. . . And then it seems that all who are in their graces, that is spiritually dead, in all parts of the wold and in all ages, are to come forth-are to experience this moral resurrection, and be made to believe, and then those of them who did not do good before they believed, were to have their belief one of damnation, and die in the destruction of Jerusalem. NOW WHERE IS THE SOBER MAN WHO CAN DIGEST ALL THIS FARRAGO, AND CALL IT FAIR INTERPRETATION OF THE WORD OF GOD!