Hyper-Preterism: The Corporate and Universal New Covenant

Sjolander Road Fellowship "Finally all God's redemptive plan culminated in the New Covenant of Christ. For some reason, this covenant is taught as being individual and voluntary instead of corporate and involuntary as all the previous covenants had been. In no case prior to Christ had any covenant with God been inaugurated on a purely individual or voluntary basis. In particular Israelites were such by birth and not by conscious decision on their part. When God visited blessings or curses on the Israelites all rejoiced or suffered collectively. The people of Israel might fall away in sinfulness over and over again, but never did God forget His promises or divert from the purpose for which He had made the covenant promise. Every covenant of God was a step in the overall plan to redeem mankind, and no actions or shortcomings of mankind were allowed to circumvent God's purpose.

In light of the nature of all the preceding covenants, it seems particularly strange that the covenant in Christ would suddenly become individual and not corporate and universal. It also is not consistent that participation in the new covenant would require one's assent. All the examples of God's covenants prior to Christ would indicate that the traditional picture of how one gains the benefits of God's New Covenant is incorrect.

Recognizing the covenantal nature of God's redemptive process establishes the fact that Christ's completed work is truly universal in outreach. There is no room in this covenant relationship with God for any kind of haphazard, individualistic application. It is just not the way God operates, as demonstrated by all these previous examples."

